Drug War Madness: Utah Encourages Marijuana Snitching


New Member
While no one wants to see public and private lands be misused to cultivate large commercial outdoor cannabis grow operations, does this problem exist with other agricultural products that can create psychoactivity (or a 'high') like grapes, sugar cane, barley, hops, corn, apples, potatoes or wheat?

Large commercial grow-ops are purely a function of prohibition, so if law enforcement really care about these grow-ops they'd advocate for getting rid of them by not creating an opportunity for agricultural entrepreneurs to seek the profits from growing a vegetable matter that can fetch $100-$500 an ounce.

Instead, states like Utah waste taxpayers' money by encouraging citizens to visit a one-stop-snitch webpage to narc out suspected cannabis cultivators.

Thanks to NLC members Robert Latham in Bountiful UT for the heads up...and Daniel Margolis of Cleveland OH for musing:
10 arrests in 2009! 82 flight hours, presumably in a helicopter. What is the hourly rate for the helicopter and pilot?

Assume a pilot and co-pilot/observer. One arrest every for 16.4 hours of hours of pilot time, 8.2 hours of helicopter time, to say nothing of ground crew, etc...How much did each arrest cost just from flight time alone?

News Hawk: Warbux 420 MAGAZINE
Source: Opposing Views
Author: NORML
Contact: Opposing Views: National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws
Copyright: 2008-2010 Opposing views
Website: Opposing Views: Drug War Madness: Utah Encourages Marijuana Snitching
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