Well i have a potential job coming up that i will have to drop for within the next few days to a week or 2. I used to be a pretty regular smoker, smoking at least a couple of times a day and usually smoking blunts but a lot of times i would go days or almost a week without smoking at all. As of about about a month ago (valentines day) i quit smoking but since then I've smoked about 5 times. Spaced apart a few days to a week at a time. I didn't go all crazy with it, just smoked until i got high and passed on the rest. Id say i smoked probably 4 or 5 blunts all together between multiple people (3-4). It wasn't any killer weed or anything like that, just some alright mids and the last i smoked a few days ago was actually some schwag, i barely caught a buzz. Im 25, I weigh about 160 and i'm 6'2 and have a pretty high metabolism, to the point where i eat and basically crap all of the weight i would have gained out and i also work a pretty labor intense job (constant lifting and moving all day) i also drink nothing but water on the job and don't really drink much soda. If i don't smoke anymore until i drop, anyone have any idea of the chances i have to pass without having to sub or dilute at all? Thanks in advance for any help and opinions!!