Drug screen question


New Member
I took a pre-employment drug screen today for a potential job. It was on site and the woman who gave it to me told me that I passed. But, I'm paranoid as all hell and am somehow convinced myself it was too good to be true. I took two test this last week and they both had pretty faint lines, but they were visible. My question is, since I took it on site, and she told me I passed, is there a chance that it will be sent for lab analysis? I don't want to start telling people I got this job if I'm going to fail this test. What do you guys think?
I had to dilute in such a hurry today. I had an interview at 9 and another at 11. I thought I was going to have to wait for a decision and/or be given lab forms.
When interview 1 was done they said okay go over to HR. I said i have another interview in 25 minutes but I will come back afterward. They agreed.

After interview 2 I drank:
(3) 16.9 oz bottles of water in under 10 minutes.
(1) powerade
(1) powerade with (1) pack of certo
Utinated at McDonald's
(75% of 1) NOS energy drink
Urinated again upon arrival at HR
Met with HR and was given one styrofoam cup full of water
Provided sample midstream to be sent to lab
Dashed home and used First Check cup got faint line
Used dipstick and got even less of a line

Is it possible that tr urine prior to the one I gave them was clean after only peeing TWO times before the test?
Is it safe to assume that since I got a line on the urine expelled immediately after the actual test that I have a shot??
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