Droopy/wilting seedlings in need of help


420 Member
Good afternoon,
First time grower and my seedlings look to be struggling. I’ve already lost 2 out of the 8 and don’t want to lose anymore. I started them under a white LED light and switched about 2 weeks ago to a Red/Blue Grow light.
I moved them outside 5 days ago and they started to grow at a faster pace. I’ve been watering them in the afternoon when soil looks dry and they have started to wilt/droop. Need of major advice and tips to revive my crop.
Thank you in advance!!!
Photos below


Usually you want to water the day before they droop, but if you're watering every day you're likely not giving them enough.

Also they look a little hungry. Are you feeding them?
Thank you for the welcome. Not giving them anything besides water. Added some miracle gro but not much at all because I was scared of giving them too much… as you can maybe see in the pictures. One is doing fabulous and the others are drooping/wilting. Running out of time and options… I water every afternoon—enough to see the top of soil fully wet. Should I stop watering? Or give more water?
I have brought them back inside and put them under a grow light since bad weather outside. Could the temperature change have anything to do with it? About 92-98°F outside and 72-75°F inside. They have stayed outside all day & night for 3 days this week— then the past two days I’ve switched them from outside during the day and inside at night.
I have brought them back inside and put them under a grow light since bad weather outside. Could the temperature change have anything to do with it? About 92-98°F outside and 72-75°F inside. They have stayed outside all day & night for 3 days this week— then the past two days I’ve switched them from outside during the day and inside at night.
Not so much the inside temp, but the outside temp is not real good for seedlings. Plus those black pots are gonna get the roots real warm!
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