Drooping plants

Doctor Trevor

Well-Known Member
My two current plants, Laurie (Blue Crack) and Shirley (Blue Dream) are both in bloom for just over three weeks. Laurie looks much first along. In the last few days, they started drooping.

I'm guessing that they need to be transpotted to ten gallon pots; they in five gallon pots right now. Problem is that my tent isn't big enough for two ten gallon pots. Also, isn't it too late for transpotting?

I'm currently doing a reserve LST on them. The tallest stalks are tied up with gardening wire to the top of the tent frame. This will allow more light and more air in the plants.

I'm thinking of doing screen of green. Is this a good idea? Are there any other good ideas?


It looks to me like the drooping is because the buds are getting heavy, and the branches they are on are very thin. Needs more support.

It's really pointless to repot in flower, because essentially the plant is done building roots and is now building flowers. It is probably also too late for SOG, that is the kind of training you do before you flip to flower. I guess you could use the net as a support system up higher, but idk how it would work out.

I would, for your next grow, look into silica supplementation and a low power fan (for movement) to strengthen the branches up.
This drooping as you call happens often enough that that others have also asked for suggestions.

Sometimes having a successful grow brings in its own little problems.

The tallest stalks are tied up with gardening wire to the top of the tent frame.
@Sueet brings up good points about it being too late for transplanting to do much good and that it is too late for a SCRoG since most of the 'stretch' is over.

About the only thing you can do now is to tie up the drooping branches to bamboo stakes as @Phytoplankton mentions.
I'll have to get some stakes today. Thank you.
Get stakes that are as tall as the drooping branches will be when they are straightened out. Do not forget to include for the depth of the pot.

I get the 4 and 5 foot bamboo stakes. If for some reason I need shorter ones I just cut a longer one.
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