Droopage! The scourge of a newbie. Root bound or over water?


Well-Known Member
What I have: A Pineapple Chunk fem clone about 3 months old? Somewhere in there.
Lighting is a 6500k 125 watt CFL running 24-7
In a one gal. smart pot. I was going to switch it to a five today, but noticed the leaves.
50/50 Perlight / Coco
The arsenal: GH Flora Nova Bloom. 4 ml - gal Cal-Mag. 2 ml - ltr Bud Candy (shared nute mix I make up for my DWC grow. An extra 2 gal. I mix up every week for the clone) Ph 5.8
Feed wait 2 days. Water, wait a day or two. Feed. and so on. The nutes are hitting 800 ppm
Temps running 73-80. RH 30-60%

Not sure what is going on here. This girl has been sitting here in her box for quite a while now, growing slowly with the CFL. Fed her last night and she looked like this tonight. Honestly, I was going to transplant her today, but want an opinion about this first.
Oh, and when I feed - water, I do so until I get runoff in the pan. Roughly a half gallon per feed. The pan has a grid to keep it off the bottom to avoid any rot/mold.

So, powers that be, where did I go wrong?
Hit me with both barrels, guys. What didn't I do?


Most of the problem seems to be towards the top.
Thanks all, Andy. :thumb:
It looks like a mix of things. Seems like magnesium problem, nitrogen toxicity, and a few others. I'd check on your pH pen, cause it looks like a lockout due to pH. I grow in 100 percent perlite but never saw nothing like that. I'd flush and mix nutes separate for your plants.
Thanks Peyton. I did that yesterday when I saw it. It's strange because I really didn't make any nute changes. Ah well, like you say, I should mix up a batch for just this girl.
Thanks for the input, bud. :)
Andro, In coco you want to water everyday, coco is a form of hydro. When I do coco in the summer I water 1-2 times a day with a liter each time (water amount determined by plant size and pot size), so 2 liters a day or (approx.half gallon). When you don't water coco everyday you will have all kinds of issues from pH, lockout, and dry root problems....as long as you have drain holes/slots and runoff of 15%-20% it will be virtually impossible to over water your coco plants, fully saturated coco holds 30% oxygen content at the roots.

Also, when you start your plants off in coco, I usually mix up a low dosage of nutrients (charge coco) & cal-mag in the coco mix off the brick when mixing & setting up the plants. Coco likes to bind up Potassium & Cal-mag, I also like to clean my coco before I use it even if it states that it was washed 100 times, I still clean it since it lays on the edge of saltwater and dries, it will retain a lot of salts etc in the coco pith.

Here are some good videos for you my brother.

Good thread for coco, he has a lot of great videos

How I grow in coco Youtube videos and pics
I had one do that to me in soil. That was my last soil grow. Never figured out what happened. My guess was root rot it looked like nitrogen toxicity and very simmilar to your issue but mine died within 2days. But in coco I really doubt that. I'd start with Peytons suggestions.
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