New Member
IM running very low on medicine right now, so I cant medicate as often as I'd like to because I'm conserving what I have (Until Firday BABY!!! PAYDAY!). But after an hour of filling out a job application, I sat down in my room, and I spy on the ground my circular joint ash catcher. DUnno if you've ever seen these, but some cigerette companies sell these pocket watch shaped devices that, when pop open, an arm springs out to lay your cig (or in my case, joint) onto or ash into. ANyway, my girlfriend spotted this a few weeks after we met abandoned on the floor of her dorm complex....and inside, when we found it a year ago, was a fat roach! WELL GOOD FORTUNE HAPPENED AGAIN! TOtaly forgetting I even HAD that thing, I reached down, picked it up, and opened it....WOAH!! A half joint from last ski trip I TOTALY forgot about! Itr was a mix of sunshine weed and Humboldt Hash....WOO HOO! SO I went outside right away and smoked it down to a fat roach, for later, and now im hella litv ! This little Benson and Hedges joint holder is definatly a lucky device.
Heres a pic of the container, ganesh hash sitting against its lid, the now small roach, a nug of blackberry, some blackberry shake (in the pill container), my dirty glass pipe.....ALL I HAVE LEFT TO LAST ME UNTIL FRIDAY!!!!
Heres a pic of the container, ganesh hash sitting against its lid, the now small roach, a nug of blackberry, some blackberry shake (in the pill container), my dirty glass pipe.....ALL I HAVE LEFT TO LAST ME UNTIL FRIDAY!!!!