Donating meds, but not to a dispensary/coop - anyone know the legalities?


New Member
I live in CA. I have a friend that is legal/has a card. I know for a fact. I can call & verify w/the doc, etc. Anyway, what's the legalities for me to donate meds to her? Can I? I see people doing it online all the time, but I want to make sure I have myself covered. I was told I just need her rec on file, but I would prefer to see credible reference.
Yes, you can provide them with meds and they can reimburse you for the cost of doing so. However, you have to be non-profit. There can be no sales. Selling marijuana is illegal.

This is how co-ops operate. All you do is reimburse them for their trouble. That is why CA shut down all of the dispensaries, only co-ops are legal under Prop. 215 and SB420, because they are non-profit. If you've noticed, everyone working at a co-op is a patient themselves.

But be aware, both of these laws are frequently challenged in court and you run the risk of being an unlucky defendant charged with the sale of marijuana.

The situation is volatile, you might want to wait until November when this is all legalized.
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