Does turning air pump/stone off at night increase DWC growth?


Well-Known Member
Hi, first of all, I’m putting this out there cause I’ve been reading that people turn their air stones and pumps off at night to save them the stress of noise. Some people grow in their rooms cause of convenience or could be an increase of co2 (don’t know how that will help) co2 not good at night, whatever the case. There’s a myth or fact circulating the internet, that if you turn the air to the water off, the Bucket that holds the roots submerged in water produces no oxygen and that the plant for .1 grows faster overnight. Uh, so I tried it for one night. I’ll add pictures of the day before and the day after. Just wanna know is this true? Does turning air pump/stone off at night increase DWC growth?
I don't know about that thats 12 hours without oxygen what I do know is less than 2 days without air pump running will kill a big beautiful plant
Would like to hear from someone that runs like that but I'm in the more air is better club
I don't know about that thats 12 hours without oxygen what I do know is less than 2 days without air pump running will kill a big beautiful plant
Would like to hear from someone that runs like that but I'm in the more air is better club
That's exactly what I thought.
She will drown.
More air is better. :thumb:
I wouldn't turn off the air.:eek:
Hope your having a good day @DrBigP you too @Bigjake8 .

Stay safe everyone.
The plants need oxygen every second of the day, just as mammals do. Sure they can go a while without, but constantly depriving it for 4-12h will only have negative effects for the reservoir & plants it's keeping alive.

If I was running a DWC and found the night noises too much, I'd add a water pump-sprinkler to the res. It would make the system aeroponic for the night, while the air compressors are off. Easier to insulate the sounds that way.
One of the most common plant killer problems that occurs with soil grown plants is lack of oxygen to the roots…. this occurs when plants are watered too frequently and the soil is not allowed to dry out. So if a plant in soil can suffocate then yup so can a hydro plant

Bottom line is weed roots love oxygen, but not exposure to light more oxygen = better growth

many growers add CO2 to their gardens because you can run brighter lights, hotter temps and stronger nutes with supplemental CO2
I have no idea about the airstone, as I don't run hydro, but the plants use CO2 during the light cycle, and a lot of us, myself included, run their lights at night. If you're sleeping in that room, you're exhaling CO2 all night, and your breath can raise the relative CO2 in a room more than some people think.
Wow reread that and can’t believe I said something so stupid…. no perhaps a hydro plant isn’t going to suffocate outright but hopefully you get at least part of my “whacked outta my skull drift” that I couldn’t quite articulate…

anywho yup air-stone injects the goodies so yes sir or ma’am DrBigP I’d run that puppy around the clock or on a timer so it cycles in at regular intervals both day and night…
The plant is basically one week old. Yeah I guess it is better for the plant, I turned it off over last night. When I woke up the leaves were dropping. Turned the bubbles back on and she was happy again.

Basically she'll use up what little oxygen is left in the water, and then she doesn't breathe right.

A good way to hide some of the noise is to hang the airpump. Stops the vibration rattles and helps a bit.

If you were truly committed to turning the airpump off at night (which I don't recommend!!), don't use beneficial microbes- go sterile and h202. As the h202 breaks down it will release some oxygen back into the water. That's the only way I can think of pulling it off. And I'd never do it.

Or as suggested above, use a water pump to circulate water for a waterfall/aeroponic effect when the airpump is off.
Actually, when plants are not photosynthesizing they require O2 (they produce less than they use), when they are in photosynthesis mode they require CO2, and produce excess O2 (from leaf photosynthesis) Roots don't photosynthesize. The roots need O2 all the time. So, I would not deprive roots of O2.
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