Does lighting affect auto-flowering grows?


New Member
Im looking into buying some new leds and this came across my mind.

Has anyone seen any research or tested this out to see which perform better using an auto-flower method.

Any advice will be useful, thanks!
I'm new & learning still. But to my understanding some LED lights have a setting for veg & flower. It's just adding other spectrums of light that are beneficial in the two stages of growing from what I read. I don't think the 12/12 hours of light are key on autoflowers.
For autos light schedule doesn't matter one bit. They start to flower when the roots hit the bottom of the pot. We use #5s and they veg for 4 weeks then pistils start showing up.

For lighting we use metal Halide for their veg and then they get put under a HPS. We have both LED and HID lights and they seem to perform roughly the same. If you go LED then just make sure it has a bloom switch or it is full spectrum. Blue spectrum for veg and more red for flower. Hope this helps.
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