Does high amount of f1 photo x auto matter?

Just curious, why are you crossing photos and autos? Are you trying to make autos with certain traits? But to your question, if your breeding a photo to an auto for the auto trait, you’ll need two generations to get the auto (aa) trait. A auto bred to an AA photo will produce all photos, with either an Aa or aA gene, but both express the photo trait. If you then breed those 25% (statistically) will be autos If you breed them the resulting seeds will all be autos. (aa). Hope this helps.
I guess I'm just not understanding what you're after. If you want autos and are not trying for any specific traits other than autos, then just find a strain you like and breed an auto to an auto and save yourself a year or two worth of breeding time. If you're just doing it to see what happens, cool, just make sure that all the unused f1/f2 seeds get destroyed. You don't want a bunch of half breed (Aa/aA) seeds in the gene pool.
the goal is to grow out 100 f2s for selection of autoflower trait.
With seeds being so hard to get down there I understand why you might not be able to follow it, but Phyto's advice is good.
Is the male photo or auto?
I do have specific genes im looking for but they are recessive so they wont show up in f1.

What advise should i follow?

just curious if there is any advantage to popping 100 f1s over 5.
There's a higher chance of you getting the combination of traits you're looking for if there are more plants involved in the breeding project, but if they're all from the same batch of f1 seeds, then probably not.
I do have specific genes im looking for but they are recessive so they wont show up in f1.

What advise should i follow?

just curious if there is any advantage to popping 100 f1s over 5.
Now I'm really confused! If you are going for a recessive trait in addition to the auto recessive trait then how will you know if the recessive is even present in the parent unless it's a double recessive (on both parents) and the trait expresses? If both parents don't express the other recessive gene from the start, that really complicates things, because not only does the auto gene need to be selected for, the other trait you're looking for must also express in those plants with the auto (aa) gene. Not sure you realize what you're in for, it could take years to get something stable.
I know what im in for. And I have no problem spending years. Check out freakshow its really fun. I am obsessed. I knocked up " Banana Daddy IBL auto from ethos with it.
Gonna do a run of 100 F2s in 10-12 weeks or so when i have time after this F1 round.
There are Freakautomatic seeds already stabilized but im just havin some fun.I started 36 F1s and then realized I am not looking for anything specific from this round so i didnt need that many. ( or do I? hence the post)

I decided to cross it back to freakshow. (luckily still have some female clones) From what i gather its harder to get the gene to show up with males. So ill BX with freakshow
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