Does Cannabis still grow bud after seed development starts


Well-Known Member
This is a simple question that google can not answer nor can any other search engine. So once again I have ran into a question that I do not know the answer to and you would think there would be forum pages here full of this question. But not here either.

So the question is... If your plant is budding and you catch a bunch of seeds from a hermie on the plant.. Does bud production STOP DEAD IN ITS TRACKS? OR will the plant still develop the buds that have yet to develop after the seed production is finished?

None of my plants got seeds from the Guzzurple that was a hermaphrodite. Not one single plant. Not even the Guzzurple as I pulled all the male parts off.

But as anyone who knows about my topped Lemon Haze Auto that plant was yellowing fast and I gave it some liquid 1-1-1 that is fast acting for like 8 days in way early budding every other day until it darkened. It is still dark on some sections of the plant and other branches buds looked nearly finished and then I noticed down the bottom some of the lower branches started developing seeds. I will probably get like 20 or so seeds from the plant and maybe more. It is now at day 106 and I dont really notice anymore bud growth other than fox tailing in some areas. But also it appeared some of the buds did still fatten up and some dont look like they fattened up at all. Fluffy nonsense buds that look huge but are really airy.

So other than fox tailing, will the buds develop? The seeds are ready to pop off the plant and most are out of their pistils already. So I pulled some of them. Even found one laying on the top of the grow medium. So should I let it go longer or just end it? Its certainly not a large plant and I think it hermied itself. Oddly the plant next to it did not grow seeds at all. Well, it grew one seed and the rest of the plant has zero seeds and looks exceptional.

Another thing... I will never top a lemon haze auto. Once you top it nodes stop growing. It will grow a few buds on the topped nodes and the buds on top will be nice, but those couple buds on the stalks should be branches. Not just bud clinging to the two split nodes.

Edit: Added some photos.

This plant was so troubled some didn't think it would finish but I got it back to Green and some of it is just a busy airy mess the lower growth looks like all foxtails.










I'd say it had pollen introduced for a day, and some pistils got pollinated, then yes, it will grow seeds but it will continue to produce bud, assuming there is zero pollen left in the room. But if there was a herm, and it keeps pollinating, then the plant will keep producing seeds as long as it's being pollinated. Even pollen from last grow could pollinate, so chances are you'd get seedy buds, but they'd smoke fine. Just a pain in the ass to break up.
I'd say it had pollen introduced for a day, and some pistils got pollinated, then yes, it will grow seeds but it will continue to produce bud, assuming there is zero pollen left in the room. But if there was a herm, and it keeps pollinating, then the plant will keep producing seeds as long as it's being pollinated. Even pollen from last grow could pollinate, so chances are you'd get seedy buds, but they'd smoke fine. Just a pain in the ass to break up.
That plant is the slowest growing auto in the history of auto growing. It sat for 3 weeks with 4 nodes which were black/green. I didnt water it because the same mix I had in every other plant(was all mixed at the same time) wasnt drying out. It was still heavy and wet on top. So finally after 3 weeks I thought this is ridiculous and watered it. Then it grew fast. But I topped it just to see what it would do to top an auto and basically that is the end of the plants node growth. So everywhere there would have grown a node after the top just grew a bud on each side and no fan leaf and no branch. Just a bud with bud leaves. No nodes. It is strange how it stopped growing new nodes and the lower nodes never got much larger than they were.
I found one hermie on it long after I found the seeds. And it was yellow and opened so it must have polinated itself. Oddly it pollinated none of the other plants around it. Everything it grows now is fox tails or very loose bud.
I dont believe its going to bulk at all anymore than it already is.

It is a pain in the ass because I want it finished so the other light can reach the side of my large plant and help to finish the lower buds but that plant is blocking it so the large plant only gets the light from the plant above it.
Is there really nobody who can answer this question?
106 days? Maybe it's past harvest time. Do you scope your trichs to see if they're ready? A lot of the time, you'll keep getting white hairs with fox tailing, even if your buds are ready. You have a lot going on in the pictures and too much to address. You have already learned that if you pluck off the balls of a hermed plant that's producing buds, you can have normal buds and little to no seeds, IF you can keep up with the balls before they spill their pollen, but some of those plants almost look like males - at least one does. A couple also look like they are revegging (or maybe it's the same plant with more than 1 picture). If growing in a tent, look really hard for a light leak. I had a new tent and the first 3 grows all hermed when it finally occurred to me that I might have a light leak and sure enough, I had a big one! I fixed that and no more hermies! OH and I just saw your comment about the auto. Some of these auto's have really screwed up genetics!! Who knows what they will look like! I also haven't been brave enough to top an auto.....
106 days? Maybe it's past harvest time. Do you scope your trichs to see if they're ready? A lot of the time, you'll keep getting white hairs with fox tailing, even if your buds are ready. You have a lot going on in the pictures and too much to address. You have already learned that if you pluck off the balls of a hermed plant that's producing buds, you can have normal buds and little to no seeds, IF you can keep up with the balls before they spill their pollen, but some of those plants almost look like males - at least one does. A couple also look like they are revegging (or maybe it's the same plant with more than 1 picture). If growing in a tent, look really hard for a light leak. I had a new tent and the first 3 grows all hermed when it finally occurred to me that I might have a light leak and sure enough, I had a big one! I fixed that and no more hermies! OH and I just saw your comment about the auto. Some of these auto's have really screwed up genetics!! Who knows what they will look like! I also haven't been brave enough to top an auto.....
My last lemon haze auto went 122 days.
And seeded itself too.
And Fox tailed just like this one.

Yeah topping an auto is pointless. I had to learn from experience. Lol

All the photos are the same plant.

What I know from growing lemon haze auto three times is if you are looking for Amber trikes you're going to be waiting a long long long long time and once they do turn Amber it's because the buds are turning brown.
when pollination occurs a cannabis plant no longer focuses its energy of producing increasing sinsemilla cannabinoids instead oil production in the seeds. hermaphrodite pollination can be removed with micro tip scissors.
106 days? Maybe it's past harvest time. Do you scope your trichs to see if they're ready? A lot of the time, you'll keep getting white hairs with fox tailing, even if your buds are ready. You have a lot going on in the pictures and too much to address. You have already learned that if you pluck off the balls of a hermed plant that's producing buds, you can have normal buds and little to no seeds, IF you can keep up with the balls before they spill their pollen, but some of those plants almost look like males - at least one does. A couple also look like they are revegging (or maybe it's the same plant with more than 1 picture). If growing in a tent, look really hard for a light leak. I had a new tent and the first 3 grows all hermed when it finally occurred to me that I might have a light leak and sure enough, I had a big one! I fixed that and no more hermies! OH and I just saw your comment about the auto. Some of these auto's have really screwed up genetics!! Who knows what they will look like! I also haven't been brave enough to top an auto.....
That is a crazy looking plant! I would (ALWAYS), scope the trichs to know when to harvest depending on your own preference (some want trichs all cloudy, some want just a few ambers and some want a lot more ambers), and because it really looks like a reveg and it hermed, check for light leaks on your tent. Hmmm, just remembered it's an auto so that probably won't cause these issues but I'm not too experienced with auto's so I'm not sure. Heck, maybe a regular seed got slipped in with the auto's and it did reveg - and it did herm? I've read that auto's have come a long way and are about as good as regular plants now, but I haven't seen it yet! I've just seen bad genetics that caused a lot of different issues. Yes, some trichs don't turn like most plants but I haven't found one yet, and I'm not familiar with lemon haze. I thought most auto's mature really quick (like 80 days or less)? I look to see what the seed company says about grow times, since they can be so different, then start checking trichs when I think they're getting close. I guess if I get a strain where the ambers don't show up when mature, then I'll be in trouble!
That is a crazy looking plant! I would (ALWAYS), scope the trichs to know when to harvest depending on your own preference (some want trichs all cloudy, some want just a few ambers and some want a lot more ambers), and because it really looks like a reveg and it hermed, check for light leaks on your tent. Hmmm, just remembered it's an auto so that probably won't cause these issues but I'm not too experienced with auto's so I'm not sure. Heck, maybe a regular seed got slipped in with the auto's and it did reveg - and it did herm? I've read that auto's have come a long way and are about as good as regular plants now, but I haven't seen it yet! I've just seen bad genetics that caused a lot of different issues. Yes, some trichs don't turn like most plants but I haven't found one yet, and I'm not familiar with lemon haze. I thought most auto's mature really quick (like 80 days or less)? I look to see what the seed company says about grow times, since they can be so different, then start checking trichs when I think they're getting close. I guess if I get a strain where the ambers don't show up when mature, then I'll be in trouble!
They say 50 to 70 days.
.but that's under 18/6 and I've only given them 12/12 because of my photos.

My last plant took 122 days. And the one that turned out completely normal and didn't foxtail or Hermie took 102 days.

I cut a lot of the lojg colas off the plant and it's just a foxtailing messy bush that's left now. It grows seeds on the foxtails.

It only has two herms on it. I caught one. But the other one I didn't.
And the odd thing only fertilized itself while in a room with other plants.

So I got lucky I guess that it didn't hurt my other plants.

Look at the oddity of this bush. Lol








50-70 days? Is that just the time in flower? If so, it shouldn't be 18/6 in flower (switches to at least 12/12 in flower - except for auto's and then you're okay with 12/12 from seedlings). I don't understand why you cut off some of the cola if the buds weren't ready yet? Maybe that affected the plant? It seems the plant got too old and started seeding itself. It's a last ditch effort for the plant before it dies. I'm confused, lol. Something is definitely wrong with it. I suggest reading the growing topics. It's a huge help! It will teach you a lot about growing, how to troubleshoot issues, etc., and then maybe you won't have these problems again. I'm not sure if you're learning as you grow, without getting knowledge from experts, but if this is the case, take a few hours to read the topics on their site! They cover everything from normal growing, to bug infestations, to harvest, and so much more! That's what I did and my first grows looked like a professional did them!
They say 50 to 70 days.
.but that's under 18/6 and I've only given them 12/12 because of my photos.

My last plant took 122 days. And the one that turned out completely normal and didn't foxtail or Hermie took 102 days.

I cut a lot of the lojg colas off the plant and it's just a foxtailing messy bush that's left now. It grows seeds on the foxtails.

It only has two herms on it. I caught one. But the other one I didn't.
And the odd thing only fertilized itself while in a room with other plants.

So I got lucky I guess that it didn't hurt my other plants.

Look at the oddity of this bush. Lol








I have an auto that takes 150 -160 days start to finish
Great for outdoor grows where freeze up happens before buds are done with photo plants
Also topped it with no problems, even cloned it
It is a auto crossed with Lemon haze & UK Cheese skunk
50-70 days? Is that just the time in flower? If so, it shouldn't be 18/6 in flower (switches to at least 12/12 in flower - except for auto's and then you're okay with 12/12 from seedlings). I don't understand why you cut off some of the cola if the buds weren't ready yet? Maybe that affected the plant? It seems the plant got too old and started seeding itself. It's a last ditch effort for the plant before it dies. I'm confused, lol. Something is definitely wrong with it. I suggest reading the growing topics. It's a huge help! It will teach you a lot about growing, how to troubleshoot issues, etc., and then maybe you won't have these problems again. I'm not sure if you're learning as you grow, without getting knowledge from experts, but if this is the case, take a few hours to read the topics on their site! They cover everything from normal growing, to bug infestations, to harvest, and so much more! That's what I did and my first grows looked like a professional did them!
This is an auto. I left it under 12/12 after it went into flower because my photos needed 12/12.

I can't remember if I made the soil mix as I made it with my photos.
The bucket never cried out. Weeks and it never dried. Which is an oddity i can't explain.

The rest of all of the plants Ive grown have all done extremely well. Regardless of my paranoia In the beginning.

I cut the colas off because they were finished. Clearly finished.
The bushy area at the bottom are the bottom nodes that just never took off.

So when it foxtailed it also Hermied and only fertilized itself. Which is strange because it was in a room with 3 other plants. So now I'm just leaving it outside in the sun until the seeds finish. The buds it grew that I cut off were nice and dense. But what's left on it is very wide and loose buds.
It happened to two nodes on the last lemon haze auto I grew and that one had a yellow strip of nodes that went through it the entire grow. but it grew 15 ounces. So it turned out ok in the end anyway. This one is just a seeder and some of the buds will tighten as they dry and cure.

Here are some of my other plants.....last photo is the lemon haze auto before I cut the colas off of it.








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