Does anyone have Meniers disease?


New Member
I've had meniers all my life. sometimes quite severe. I found several years ago that smoking helps, it takes away some of the stress I have about my symtoms and helps me eat when I have an attack that lasts for a long time. I live in a state that has not legalized yet but may be coming soon. I have read this states proposed bill and there are quite a few restrictions on doctors. I havent read the wording other states use and I dont know if my doctor would approve of this ( he's good but very conservative ) would I have to be redignosed by a new one or can I use my medical records to get approved?
i've got it. first developed when i was mid-teens. i feel for ya. it put me through hell for a few years. nowdays its mostly just the noise in my ear. its in my left ear by the way. i seldom get dizzy anymore. but when i did it helped me with nausea, depression and i think it also helped a little with the spins. for me the passage of time seemed to make a difference. it didn't really hit me until i was about 25 and then for about 3 years i was almost not able to function at all. i think our brain slowly finds ways to adjust to the false signals from our inner ear. i might have read this somewhere but it was way before the internet or it could be my imagination. its my personal experience though. i'm sending you a virtual hug, i know how bad this sucks.

someone from a med state or who knows more than me should give you the other advice
My uncle has it bad hes been better in recent years he was a truck driver and the diagnosis made him unemployable.
Although hes better off that way he would spend days sometimes at a truck stop when he had an attack before he knew what was wrong.
I lived with him a few years in my early twenties so I saw first hand what he went through although, I cant say I know what its like.
I feel for you guys...
Oh wow. Something new for me to learn about since I have never heard of Ménière's. I thought having tinnitus was bad but this just doesn't sound like any fun at all.
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