Doctors Wanting Cannabis Legalization Form Group

Robert Celt

New Member
Near the top of the list for the most controversial subjects in the United States public eye, marijuana is still a very highly debated topic. While some are happy with the way things currently are, there are of course multiple other parties. Some are arguing for the psychoactive drug to be completely banned while others are arguing for its legalization or at least decriminalization.

And at least some of these groups certainly know what they're talking about, as even more doctors want to legalize marijuana. Of course, they make some pretty good arguments, but they are still opposed by other parties that just don't happen to agree with their opinion.


The group is made of more than fifty physicians and even includes an old surgeon general and faculty members of some of the country's most acclaimed medical schools. It announced its formation the past Friday, and its interest is to endorse marijuana for adult recreational use, as well as for controlled medical treatments.

This marks a break from the huge medical group known to have the largest influence on any matter — the American Medical Association. Of course, the DCR (Doctors for Cannabis Regulation) didn't just start preaching marijuana use. Instead, they weighed all the benefits and all the disadvantages of legalizing the substance and concluded that it would be for the best if that were to happen.

And this is the perfect time for the group to emerge if they hope to actually achieve something. With more than sixty percent of the public now supporting marijuana legalization, ninety percent supporting it with medical supervision and about 35 million Americans using the plant recreationally each year, this is the time for change the groups needs in order to make their statements on anything other than deaf ears.


Of course, not all medical experts agree on the benefits of making such a legalization. While the DCR states that the best way to regulate the substance is to legalize it and use current regulation laws, other parties are either claiming that decriminalization is the way to go or simply that the illegal status should remain just as it is.

Some are arguing what an idiotic idea legalizing the drug would be just for better regulation, while others are presenting the benefits it would bring — more tax money to the state, the ability to regulate the substance just like alcohol and cigarettes, as well as a huge hit to drug dealers and safer circumstances for the public to experiment with the substance without risking for it to become a 'gateway drug'.


News Moderator: Robert Celt 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Doctors Wanting Cannabis Legalization Form Group
Author: Cliff Jenkins Scott
Contact: Capitol Berg
Photo Credit: None found
Website: Capitol Berg
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