Do you ever get used to not being able to brag or talk about growing?

Yea it's the same here I got my girlfriend, who actually couldn't care less and doesn't even know what to really be looking at, and my brother, who I don't see very often so it's really no one because I don't trust people.
I have my wife and my friend but he grows as well. And yes I do want to show and tell people but I do it here where its anonymous

Do a little bragging, and then have random people start guessing that you're growing, and you'll find that you're instantly cured of the need to brag more.
Like seriously it's driving me nuts I can't tell anyone lol. I've got all these pictures that I'm really proud of, even though the plant was put under 12/12 too early and stunted the plant I still like what I see and want to show everyone! Lol

Omg!!!! Me too I want to brag on them because they are so beautiful let's see your ladies

Grow With Me - My Grow Journey
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