Hello friends, I'm wondering if glass from a regular thermopanel sliding door (glass-air-glass) will make sunlight less optimal for cannabis by filtering some of the sun's beneficial rays?
That's actually complicated... Depends on factors such as thickness of the glass, refractive index, angle of the light source in relation to the pane of glass... and the attenuation varies across different wavelengths. But
generally speaking, the old-school "single strength" panes of glass (which aren't really seen in windows these days, unless it's a really old house that has never had its windows replaced) reduce the light by approximately 9% to 11%. Thicker glass blocks more. That reduction will be for each piece of glass, of course - if two panes of glass each block 9%, for example, then the net amount getting through will be 82.81% of the total (100 - 9% = 91, 91 - 9% = 82.81). In the last 40 years or so, many manufacturers have included some kind of coating on the inner side of one or more pieces of glass in a multi-pane window/door, and these coatings further reduce light transmission (even if the coating is not noticeable by people). Not all of them have such things, but many do.
Furthermore, even a small amount of dirt/etc. on the glass will add to the overall reduction. If you clean both outer surfaces every few days, it's not significant - but most people probably don't. We tend to not notice this reduction because it occurs gradually over time, and because the human eyeball makes a lousy light meter.
Taken all together, and combined with the fact that the majority of light getting through a window is indirect instead of direct... well, it's half the reason why window box planters are installed on the outside of houses instead of the inside
Greenhouses have glass, some of them - but it's a far higher percentage of the walls/roof than the average home situation.
You can easily grow plants that don't require a lot of light indoors. Unfortunately, cannabis is not such a plant. Nonetheless, people have done this, but (most often) with poor results, unless they supplemented with artificial lighting. Or just wanted to say they've grown a plant, lol.