Do smaller plants in bigger pots still need to be watered till 10% run off? Pics


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, After I had some roots poking out the bottom of my smaller containers I repotted 2 out of my 5 plants into bigger pots ... now do I still have to feed the plants in the bigger pots till 10% runoff or can I just make sure all the coco around them has been hit with the nutrient solution? Also in the second picture, I have drawn a circle around the plant ... is it ok just to water here? or should I water then entire pot ??


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I grow in soil, and when I transplant into a bigger pot, I water outside the white circle to force the roots to seek out the water...also at this point, since you are also using nutes, I would say you want to capture all of that in the pot (no runoff),

Also, try to keep your plants leaves dry at this point...they'll get that they need through the roots. :)

Hey guys, After I had some roots poking out the bottom of my smaller containers I repotted 2 out of my 5 plants into bigger pots ... now do I still have to feed the plants in the bigger pots till 10% runoff or can I just make sure all the coco around them has been hit with the nutrient solution? Also in the second picture, I have drawn a circle around the plant ... is it ok just to water here? or should I water then entire pot ??

When I transplant up, I give it a good soaking at transplant then do misting both the plant and the surrounding area of the plant. Every three to four days, hand water with lite nute solution and Great White to runoff. You want the roots to search for moisture and expand the system. Do this for a week or so then begin adjusting your volume and frequency dependent of plant growth.
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