Do Si Dos Auto Fem MSNL Seeds


Well-Known Member
Just a couple days last the 4 week mark she is starting to show signs of preflower as of 3 days ago. I think she is going to be a decent yielding plant. Seems to be good genetics and fairly easy to maintain so far I’m very satisfied! Brown in a 3 gallon fabric pot with happy frog soil, in a 2x2 tent under a Vipar Spectra XS1500 pro approximately 20 in above with a light schedule of 20 on and 4 off, with Mega crop 1 Part nutrients soon to add the pk booster Bud Explosion also by Green leaf


Nice ! I grow in a very similar style to you using Fox Farm Happy Frog as well. I'll be watching this thread as I've never grown an auto and am curious to see how you do.

I love the way you are training the plant low with LST, looking good !

My only complaint with Fox Farm Happy Frog is early veg. My leaves look similar to yours especially early growth with twisted leaves. There is a slight droop to your leaves also something I see using this soil. (until later in the grow where she takes off).... I wonder if Happy Frog holds too much water? (even with perlite added)....
Nice ! I grow in a very similar style to you using Fox Farm Happy Frog as well. I'll be watching this thread as I've never grown an auto and am curious to see how you do.

I love the way you are training the plant low with LST, looking good !

My only complaint with Fox Farm Happy Frog is early veg. My leaves look similar to yours especially early growth with twisted leaves. There is a slight droop to your leaves also something I see using this soil. (until later in the grow where she takes off).... I wonder if Happy Frog holds too much water? (even with perlite added)....
Thank you and I’m not sure but have had trouble the whole grow honestly with watering issues never been much of a problem until this last run. But she dries out fast I can water on a Monday before work around 3pm and Wednesday when I get up that morning she will be completely dried out. I did throw a little recharge in after I gave her her feed last night maybe the microbes will help her get what she needs to go ahead and finish on out? I to had even added perlite with my happy frog.
Thank you and I’m not sure but have had trouble the whole grow honestly with watering issues never been much of a problem until this last run. But she dries out fast I can water on a Monday before work around 3pm and Wednesday when I get up that morning she will be completely dried out. I did throw a little recharge in after I gave her her feed last night maybe the microbes will help her get what she needs to go ahead and finish on out? I to had even added perlite with my happy frog.

Wow, complete opposite for me. I water heavily until runoff and water every 3-4 days (with my plant at the same size as yours)... I've found that my plants like a little dry spell.. My bet is that you water very lightly? My RH is very low, (45-55) ...

Very interesting that we have such opposite results.

Here is an example, I hope you don't mind me posting a few pics on your thread...I think you'll see that we both have similar plant droop and twist...

Very twisty and droopy as the seedling is transplanted to Happy Frog.

week 2.JPG


We aren't far off in our grow styles as well except I use a manifold to keep things low... Here is the frame right before flower...Everything stabilized and got healthy after this...(still seeing leaf tips down and some twisting though)


Flower a few weeks from harvest...

Wow, complete opposite for me. I water heavily until runoff and water every 3-4 days (with my plant at the same size as yours)... I've found that my plants like a little dry spell.. My bet is that you water very lightly? My RH is very low, (45-55) ...

Very interesting that we have such opposite results.

Here is an example, I hope you don't mind me posting a few pics on your thread...I think you'll see that we both have similar plant droop and twist...

Very twisty and droopy as the seedling is transplanted to Happy Frog.

week 2.JPG


We aren't far off in our grow styles as well except I use a manifold to keep things low... Here is the frame right before flower...Everything stabilized and got healthy after this...(still seeing leaf tips down and some twisting though)


Flower a few weeks from harvest...

Beefy! Very nice
Wow, complete opposite for me. I water heavily until runoff and water every 3-4 days (with my plant at the same size as yours)... I've found that my plants like a little dry spell.. My bet is that you water very lightly? My RH is very low, (45-55) ...

Very interesting that we have such opposite results.

Here is an example, I hope you don't mind me posting a few pics on your thread...I think you'll see that we both have similar plant droop and twist...

Very twisty and droopy as the seedling is transplanted to Happy Frog.

week 2.JPG


We aren't far off in our grow styles as well except I use a manifold to keep things low... Here is the frame right before flower...Everything stabilized and got healthy after this...(still seeing leaf tips down and some twisting though)


Flower a few weeks from harvest...


I'm betting that is a water guzzler... NIce ! I really wish I could try an outside grow, I'm jealous.
I’m growing 7 plants. 2 Cinderella 99, 3 Mimosa+Orange Punch and 2 White Wedding. 4 weeks into flower, they each get about 3 gallons of water a day.
I’m growing 7 plants. 2 Cinderella 99, 3 Mimosa+Orange Punch and 2 White Wedding. 4 weeks into flower, they each get about 3 gallons of water a day.

Nice ! I've had my eyes on Cindy99 for quite some time, it seems like an amazing strain. I'm forced to grow lower odor strains though and am wondering how strong she gets in flower.

I have a feeling our watering is very different as I grow one plant at a time in a small space.. 1/3 to 1/2 gallon of water into my 3 gallon pots lasts 3-4 days until the pot lightens up. I'm having a hell of a time getting my head around 3 gallons daily. I guess we are on different spectrum's here, micro vs massive !
Nice ! I've had my eyes on Cindy99 for quite some time, it seems like an amazing strain. I'm forced to grow lower odor strains though and am wondering how strong she gets in flower.

I have a feeling our watering is very different as I grow one plant at a time in a small space.. 1/3 to 1/2 gallon of water into my 3 gallon pots lasts 3-4 days until the pot lightens up. I'm having a hell of a time getting my head around 3 gallons daily. I guess we are on different spectrum's here, micro vs massive !
I’m growing outside on my deck in 7 gallon fabric bags. They get direct sun all day. I space out my watering to three times daily. I want the water to immediately be absorbed in seconds. Overwatering in container grows leads to problems. I’ve been pretty successful over the years.
So thoughts on lollipop popping and defoliating I’m just now a day past 3 weeks since she went into flower. Should I lollipop or is it to late?



They look well trained, good job friend!
Just a couple days last the 4 week mark she is starting to show signs of preflower as of 3 days ago. I think she is going to be a decent yielding plant. Seems to be good genetics and fairly easy to maintain so far I’m very satisfied! Brown in a 3 gallon fabric pot with happy frog soil, in a 2x2 tent under a Vipar Spectra XS1500 pro approximately 20 in above with a light schedule of 20 on and 4 off, with Mega crop 1 Part nutrients soon to add the pk booster Bud Explosion also by Green leaf


Just a couple days last the 4 week mark she is starting to show signs of preflower as of 3 days ago. I think she is going to be a decent yielding plant. Seems to be good genetics and fairly easy to maintain so far I’m very satisfied! Brown in a 3 gallon fabric pot with happy frog soil, in a 2x2 tent under a Vipar Spectra XS1500 pro approximately 20 in above with a light schedule of 20 on and 4 off, with Mega crop 1 Part nutrients soon to add the pk booster Bud Explosion also by Green leaf


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