Do brownies get stronger over time?


Well-Known Member
We took two different brownies up north a few weeks ago. Didn’t eat them all so a few came home. The weaker of the two is now stronger than it was. One brownie finished off my wife for the afternoon. So we wanted to find out if this is the case. Stronger over time??
One brownie finished off my wife for the afternoon. So we wanted to find out if this is the case. Stronger over time??

I'm suspect of that claim.

Could it be that one brownie got more product than the other?

Here's something else to consider:

Set & setting
Your environment plays a crucial role in the effect of your cannabis high and should not be taken lightly. Sometimes, if you smoke the same strain on two different days, you can have very different experiences.

Next time this happens, ask yourself—what was your mood and environment like before you smoked? Were you relaxed, happy, comfortable? Tense, anxious, or uneasy? At ease with the people in your company? Out in nature, or in a crowd?

More factors here:

7 factors that affect your cannabis high

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