DIY Grow Tent - 600w - Semi Noob


Active Member
Hey there guys, i have been doing as much research as i can the past few days, the problem is im in quite of a rush so i hope you guys dont mind me asking for some extra help while im at it.

Grow Tent

I will be joining pvc pipes together as a frame & covering it with black and white poly film ( Panda Film ), Zip to be arranged

Could you guys please give me more ideas on what size i should make the tent with a 600w, id probably prefer less plants with more tighter bud production than more plants with less, if that makes sense.



Accendo Electronic Ballast - B600w-240M Basic ( No dimming )

The Electronic ballast is setting me back 400 $ although ive read the comparison in electrical bills arent that different besides the amperage being drawn on startup, either i must go magnetic ballast with cheap mh and cheap hps or i go electronic ballast as above with one of the preferred lamps below, another concern is will the electronic ballast run the prefered lamp ?

Bulbs 4 Options


600W Sunmaster HPS De luxe
600W Sunmaster HPS Dual Spectrum
( heard they give problems )

Sylvania GroLux

600watt Grolux
600watt Super Grolux

Philips Master Son Range ( Green Power )
( Not sure which Philips lamp would be the best )

Unknown brand from local horti shop
600W Super NRG HPS 95,000 Lumens

Will be definately using a hps for flowering, i know the advantages of a MH in veg just not sure if its all that worth it to use the mh ?


Exhaust : 340 CFM inline extractor ( depending on what size tent i choose )

Intake : Passive hole, 1 or two oscillating fans inside

Reflector : Will decide once the box is finalised. Birdwing might be my only option from my hydro store, if not suitable for my grow i will extend my search for others.

Hygrometer with LCD

I will be using organic pro mix
Nute Options :
Flora Grow
Flora Bloom

Bio-Bizz Grow
Bio-Bizz Bloom
Bio-Bizz Fish mix ( already have one )

Ph test kit to be bought for now.

Carbon scrubber will be DIY.

Hope to hear from you all, much respect fellow ganja farmers :Namaste:
From what you have suggested... ya looking at

Tent size 100cm by 100cm by 180cm - 9 square foot of growing space, about right for 4 plants if grown slightly bushy.

600w divided by 9 square foot gives you about 65w of light per foot square, thats above average & pushing optimal.

Choice of light, i prefer dual spectrum hps & i do use the grolux 400w dual spectrum myself & helps prevent to much stretch assoiated with plain old HPS.

I do use 125w cfl 6400k for vegging seedlings/clones & plants up to 8 weeks with good success.

Ballest, please check with grow/hydro shop to see if they support both MH/HPS some do, some don't. Not much differnce between digital/electronic ballest to the older style magnetic apart from longer life/effeciency of bulbs.

340cfm is fine for tent size suggested as of above.

I don't think it matters which nutrient is used at the end of the day.

I do use Biobizz myself tho & dropped the biogrow as i've found it on the nitrogen heavy side leading to over dose if not careful with it.
(Nitrogen over dose can lead to bad tasting bud)

My own selection...

Fish mix - used from seedling/cutting/veg & flowering.
Bio Heaven - trace elements amino acids 'n' stuff used throught out growing.
Bio bloom - for flowering
Top Max - flowering boost.
Alg-a-mic - ca & mg / plus sea weed extracts.

I don't bother with Ph tho & found organics with a good qualitie balance soil/compost to naturally balance out over time, which i've monitored with soil ph probe.

I suspect you may suffer with cooling problems depending on ambient temperatures of out side to indoors and if/or air conditioning is used etc an air cooled reflector may be required to help tame the heat.

P.s - ya can get with a 120cm by 120cm by 200cm tent tho & 600w bulb this drops watts per foot down to about 37w per square foot thats less than average and will require a larger fan of around 570 cfm.
yeah defo go for 1m x 1m tent i used a 400w hps in a 1.2m x 1.2m tent for my first grow with good results. i also used bio bizz nutes grow n bloom, i got the full line up this grow but ive not used any so far and the plants seem to be doing fine, the choice is really upto you my friend, if you go for the bigger tent it means you can upgrade lights etc for next grow which you will probs end up doing, once you get the growing bug all you do is think of how to expand


thank you for your reply Fuzzy Duck, Id go for the 100cm x 180cm, we could say the more watt per square foot, the more dense buds i get right?

As for the light i rate ill look more into the dual spectrum and go for one of them as ive also seen alot of positive feedback from them, i have a stealth speaker box which i am planning on using for the veg stages, i still have a post of the speaker which ill get to later if you guys like ? :)

Ballast supports both MH & HPS, have one choice of a digital which will set me back $ 400, Magnetic Ballast in box with reflector but reflectors quality doesnt look good enough cost $230, then i found another place that can make me up the 600w ballast in a box for $105 then i go buy a proper parabolic bird wing reflector for $77 so that all makes sense but there's one thing that doesnt, the guy that tried to sell me the 1st magnetic ballast with reflector told me that they are the only people to mount the starter or ignitor (cant remember which one) on the actual reflector due to some problem that the ballast gives if the wire is too long... this really confused me alot : /

The inline fans arent a problem i can get a 535 cfm fan aswell if it is necessary ? I am planning on putting my lights on at night when outside temps drop to around 60 fahrenheit, about 20 degrees celcius. If you do think a cool hood is necessary please let me know i will make a plan no doubts.

As for the nutes ill stick to your way, got the fish mix thats about 2 years old though hope its still fine, the rest ill pickup at the hydro store with some ph sticks to make sure my organic promix is in its optimal standard.

Taylormade im not really looking into going bigger than 600watt after this grow, ill have to stick to this for a bit due to some limitations even though i really do know what u mean man the growing bug is gonna get too me but ill have to have patience for now, all i want is the best size box for my 600watt so i can get the most out of the light and box so my plants can thrive. :thanks:
This is the way i am planning on building the grow tent, Grow tent sketch Red dots join from top to bottom and a extra joining in the middle of the bottom & top piece. Velcro openings & Panda film or as we call it here Agricultural Black & White Silage.
Mmm the ol dense bud question that one pops up from time to time.

I think its more related to creating a near ideal enviroment temperature, humidity, ventilation, growing medium or method, PH & nutrients.

Lights/bulbs play a large part, a 600w will certainly aid in total yield if all other areas are kept in check, i still got a niggling feeling about heat generated by the bulb may be an issue in the area suggested !

I'm sure i have seen some calculation for working heat generated from bulbs tho ???

This... the guy that tried to sell me the 1st magnetic ballast with reflector told me that they are the only people to mount the starter or ignitor (cant remember which one) on the actual reflector due to some problem that the ballast gives if the wire is too long...

I'll avoid that sounds wrong to me...

I'd have a browse around for a qualitie ballest & reputable brands like lumitek, maxibright are a couple which spring to mind. Digital will prolong bulb life by X amount of time due to soft start tec & only about 2% to 3% more effecient on electricity tho.
Yeah look it depends how ideal it is at the end of the day, so i guess if i put a hps dual spectrum im gonna get the results i want? or would you rather go normal hps with cool whites? Will check out the heat generated and see what i can find bro. As for the ballast ill have to check around for who has other digital ballasts, cheapest i could find was $ 400 for the accendo. As for the bulb if im going proper bulb horti/grow hps or dual spec im going to be paying the same price for the bulb as i will for the magnetic ballast, this i dont mind as i was thinking it would also be more convenient because once i do get my electronic ballast i have this magnetic ballast as a spare incase anything goes wrong ?
Guess i will have to LST the babies im gonna put in, get more out of them :thumb: as for the ballast well i have two options still but ill go with Sylvania Growlux bulb thats for sure,

I have the current options for reflectors at the moment still searchin for a cool hood

Complete grow kit 600w @ $229

Parabolic Bird Wing Reflector @ $77

Budget Reflector @ $58

I also have a choice of the GE lucalox PSL 600w
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