Disabled Man Fights For His Marijuana


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Charles Monson, a Quadriplegic, Had His Home Raided and His Medicinal Marijuana Seized at Gunpoint.

A swimming accident three decades ago at Newport Beach left Charles Monson paralyzed.

A drug raid at his home about a year ago left Monson without the marijuana he says he needs. The raid has left him depending on a medical marijuana dispensary in Orange that was also raided. Fighting to stay in business, the small store-front dispensary has helped Monson deal with his pain.

Monson, 45, was paralyzed in 1979 when he and a friend decided to go for a swim. "I dove under a wave, hit a shallow spot and broke my neck," Monson recalls. "I was paralyzed instantly and was floating face-down."

Monson, who is confined to a wheelchair and has lost most of the use of his hands, tried to remain active. He's an avid skydiver, despite breaking his legs twice

Nevertheless, he says he lives in constant pain and discomfort.

"My brain isn't able to constantly able to monitor the muscles in my legs," he says. "Any little stimulus like being touched or moving my wheelchair or sitting still for a while and then moving will trigger a muscle spasm, big ones, that will yank my body to the side."

As a result, Monson was chronically sleep-deprived to the point of falling asleep behind the wheel of his specially equipped van. Doctors prescribed muscle relaxants and various other seizure medications, but Monson says he didn't like the side effects.

Finds Relief

"I had tried Valium, Baclofen, Gabapentin. That gave me a sense of not being sharp in my mind and just feeling kind of woozy," Monson says. "I tried Marinol, which is synthetic marijuana. It's very hard to dose. It's either not very effective, or when it gets to the point of being effective, you're loopy."

Monson says a friend recommended marijuana in the 1980s and after trying it, he said he found relief: "I smoked it in bed and I slept better than I ever had. The other thing that makes cannabis so much more effective than any other of the spasticity drugs is that it allows me rather than just treating my spasticity to manage it."

When California voters passed Proposition 215 in 1996, which allowed marijuana usage for medicinal purposes, Monson says he started to grow marijuana.

Monson says his life changed dramatically on the morning of October 30, 2007. "I wake up to a horrendously loud pounding on the front door at 7 a.m. in the morning," Monson says. "My friend said it was the police and I told him to let them in."

Monson says a dozen Orange police officers armed with assault rifles and bullet-proof vests swarmed into his modest home and handcuffed both his house guest and care provider before coming into Monson's bedroom, demanding he get out of bed.

"I told them I couldn't so they uncuffed my care provider," Monson says. "He got me dressed and into the chair and then they ( police ) went about ransacking my house."

Monson says he used a spare bedroom to cultivate his marijuana plants, where a sign posted on the door read that the plants were for medicinal purposes.

The police entered the room and, according to Monson, confiscated 16 plants and roughly 2-1/2 ounces of marijuana.

"I told them I was growing it legally and they said it's against federal law," Monson says. "They came down on me like I was some drug kingpin."

Sgt. Dan Adams of the Orange Police Department says 19 plants were seized and Monson was arrested for felony cultivation of marijuana, theft of utilities, sales of marijuana and conspiracy.

"When you get 19 plants and you get a full-blown irrigation system and a light system, it was obviously a substantial operation he had running there," Adams said. "It's a good amount, but anything is a good amount because it's illegal as far as law enforcement is concerned."

The District Attorney's office declined to prosecute the case.

"The first month after the raid, I couldn't sleep well," Monson said. "Finally, it occurred to me that I was having a post-traumatic effect because I didn't know when they were going to bang down my door again."

Searching for Marijuana

Fearful of growing marijuana, Monson turned to other sources.

"I had to go to people a buy it. None of them have ever been touched by the police," he says. "I don't know why they came after me. Somebody thought I was a king-pin."

In December, Monson hired an attorney and decided to file a civil suit against the city. Four months later he read about Nature's Wellness, a dispensary on Lincoln Avenue in Orange that had been raided.

Monson said he visited with Bob Adams, the dispensary owner, to share information about his case. Monson said he worked out a deal to receive half of the two ounces of marijuana he needs a month to manage his condition.

Adams, who was detained by the Drug Enforcement Agency after his shop was raided in March, says he was just providing a service to another patient with a doctor's recommendation.

"This man needs medicine and I've got it," Adams says. "That's what I'm here for."

Adams says hearing about Monson's arrest upset him.

"We've got a quadriplegic here. It's amazing that he wakes up every morning," Adams says. "Don't we have better things to do as far as our local authorities are concerned than chase around a quadriplegic that's in pain?"

Monson says he was grateful for the aid from the dispensary and is waiting for his court case to move ahead.

"I probably won't ( grow ) until that whole thing is settled with the police," he says. "I don't want a decent garden going again, just to have it taken away."

News Hawk: PFlynn - 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: Orange County Register, The (CA)
Copyright: 2008 The Orange County Register
Contact: letters@ocregister.com
Website: News - Local news - The Orange County Register
Oh...My...God!!! wtf are the police doing!!!??? Can't they just get a life other than making targets out of people that can't even walk? They seem to have no problems what so ever in letting rapist and murders go free because they spent a couple of years in jail...but, people like this guy have to live in fear of them. It's enough to make you want to puke!!!
I tell y'all...the law makers that condone this kind of fear tactics should not only be voted out, but stood in front of a firing squad!!!
wouldn't it be nice to foirm an anticorruption task force able to co=opt the local police and go raiding politicans houses and treating them as "corruption kingpins and seizing all their stuff just because they have been targeted but not yet convicted" i bet that would make some waves....
This story touched me. I live in orange county and was just forced to stop my grow from fear of police raids. I am a medical patient providing just enough for myself and yet the police are sending me threats to raid my home. My family and i are sleepless wondering when they will knock on our door. We (my family) are all patients and are in the same boat as Mr. Monson. My heart goes out to him.
It is not the police who are behind this.They are the good little Nazi,who go and do what they are told. Iam sure they would rather be eating some bakery goods with some coffee.But the ones to look at are the ones who give them orders.The politicans give the cops orders.The politicans need the Fed's money, and the only way they get it is show they knocked out so many grow op's.This poor guy was easy to hit ,like clubing a baby seal.Thank god the D.A. let him go !
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