Dirt grow: What type of water?

Rain water? Pond water? Boil it first? Distilled, filtered tap water? Let it sit for a while to dissapate chlorine?

I have heard all of these things which is the way to go?

Depends on a few other things...TDS (total dissolved solids) TA (total alkalinity)..

They say reverse osmosis is best but if you have good tap water, letting it sit out to dissipate chlorine is the consensus.

I use a ZeroWater filter..only problem is that it takes out everything leaving me with 000 TDS which is good but it also takes out magnesium which is helpful to the plants so I have to add it back in.

I'm lucky though as my tap water is some of the best in the nation. 030 TDS and the water company doesn't even test for TA by itself as our water comes from snow pack...and not an alkaline source..

My thought with it is that I can have FDA standard pure water and then add what I want to it. I don't have to guess what's in it or not in it..I know.

Good water removes one very important variable in growing. Get the best you can afford.

If the PPM of your tap is >200PPM, it will be fine.

Don't spend $$$$ on something you don't need, especially if you are in soil.

I've tried distilled in the past and in my opinion, its a bad idea. Spring water or tap if it's good enough. I had big issues with cal mag when I used distilled.
Tap water. Soil will buffer PH, if you have tap water with incredibly high ppm then you can still use, you are just going to have to keep the nutes really low.

I have a buddy that tested his water and determined it was really high ppm and 6.9 ph. So he used it and only added fert 2 times the whole grow and 2 flushes also, did fine, the results were great in soil, but in hydro, the plants died. That's why I say soil until you are really ready to advance. Then you will never go back except on a outdoor project. lol
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