Diesel Kush Afghan Kush


New Member
Hello im trying to run a proffesional garden in coco and try to do is as ngood i can!

I have Diesel Kush and Afghan Kush they are short plants abit bushy, I have no height or room restrictions but the problem is that i dont now if the yield will be bigger if i top them or lst or hst them or train them in any other way?
Maybe will it be best to just let them grow naturally for the biggest yield bring me your advises / Flodas :cheer:

Edit: I have a veg limit on 4 weeks!
OK, I'll take a shot at this. Please understand that I have in no way tried everything that is out there and this is only based on my personal experience, not what I've read or stoner-ology.

My best yields come when I am able to keep the plants in a vegetative state for about 75% longer than the strain's expected flowering time. I also only top the plants twice - three times at most. Then about 10 days - 2 weeks before I go into flower I snip off all the scrub sites below the canopy and take off approximately 50% of the large fan leaves. Then I just let nature do what she does. I don't LST, SCROG, SOG or do any other manipulations other than supporting branches that become too heavy with flowers to support themselves.

Doing this and assuming that all other factors like light, nutrients, no bugs, etc are dialed in, I feel I can reasonably expect 4-6 oz per plant of dried flowers. Strain dependent of course.

That sounds reasonable i will give it a shot. A increased veg is probably the best way to get higher yield. What kind of toping do u use ? Thank you for the reply / Flodas
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