Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade for critter control?


Well-Known Member
A friend told me this was a wonderful silica supplement for humans and pets. I have a small seedling which had many, many spider mites in the soil - I put some diatomaceous earth just a sprinkling on the soil - Voila - no more spider mites.

I haven't had a chance to see how this earth affects PH, but I'm going to find out.

But it seems to me this is a great pest aid for marijuana growers.


Although a search for DE comes up with no hits here in 420mag, others have had the same idea as me: How To Use Diatomaceous Earth In Your Cannabis Grow - RQS Blog

and Soft Secrets | Magazine about Cannabis / Weed culture.

So I guess I stumbled upon this one, just thought I should share this! The DE is very cheap here in Canada - $9 for two pounds.
Someone here linked to a video on Coco growing that had a really good tip as well: line your pot with coco 1" on the bottom then a layer of fine sand on top of that .. then the rest of your coco and pearlite, and on top 1" down from the top of the pot - another layer of sand .. this prevents spider mites from getting at the roots.
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