Dennise, Newest of Newbies


Well-Known Member
:peace: Need some expert advice here. Not sure how to do this and am sorry if this gets posted more than once. Looking for advice from The303Stoner too

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OK I think I finally got it where I wanted it. This is my first grow and I am using an extra closet. The pics were taken yesterday at 20 days in soil. I am using 1400 Lumen 6000K LED bulbs for veg stage and have not decided on CFL's or LED 2700K for flower stage. Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated and if you see something I am doing wrong please scream at me. Thank you in advace for any help you can give.........:thanks:
:thanks: Oh thank you so much Heady and Cannafan. I just got 3 of them moved to bigger pots and am trying to figure out what to do with the other 3. I think I can get one more in there in the bigger pot and 1 of them is kinda messed up. She got broken when she was planted into dirt from germination. I never thought she would come up at all but she has and is kinda funny looking (will post her later) but she endured so well I hate to put her down without giving her a chance so that really only leaves one that I have to find some place for her to go. I just finished building a box but I have 3 good seeds germinating in there and was planning on using the box for those 3 to veg in. The 3 I have germinating right now are Northern light x Big Bud, Afghan Kush x White Widow and Sugar Black Rose. 1 of each so the box will be full with those. Any suggestions or advise is greatly appreciated. :peace:
Hi Dennise,
I'm going to try to help you start your journal. Hopefully this step by step of sorts will get you there where you wanted to be. :thumb:

Go to the following thread: (it's in Grow Room- Grow journals-Journals in progress)
Journals in Progress

Then click on "Forum tools" in the upper right bar on that page (the gray bar just above the posts), and click on "Post a new thread"

When you get there, name your journal such as "Dennise newest of newbies growing ....yadda yadda" (that has a familiar ring...mine is Newest of Noobs....LOL)

When you begin your post start with all of the information about your grow. Strain, soil or hydro, veg or flower, all of the things people would need to know to understand your grow method.

Here is the page that will explain what you need to include on information about your grow

How to Make a Grow Journal

Then just start your post by introducing yourself etc. and start adding pictures.
Let me know if you have any questions or need further help. :thumb:
Very good mate I was also gonna recommend that a proper journal be started. It'll be alot more beneficial and gather more traffic. Also once done Dennise do what I explained earlier I link your journal t your signature so when you post it'll be there for people to directly access.
The303Stoner I wait with held breath for your review.......:adore:

they look great The cost of Cfl's can get high so can MH LED are the most cost efficient you can add smaller CFL's or CFL with the spot light LED. I like to use my 10k UV 400w with no glass for a few days here and there. I started flower with a 400w HPS and a 200w blue CFL of 4 days than I switched 3 days with the 10k. Than I ran the A 400w Mh with the 200w for a week. Than I ran The 400w MH with the 250W 2700k Cfl. than the 400w hps and the 250w red CFL for two weeks. Than for week 8 the 10k and the 250W red all week. for the longer flower I'll run like week 1 and two While adding some new girls.
the303Stoner You just took my breath away and I now know I am not a very bright girl. I have no idea what you just said. Have you made it to my journal yet. I finally got it started correctly and I thought you had sub'd to it but if not please do. I will post pics on there in a bit of my new grow box with my new babies in it (hopefully) and a pic or 2 of my closet babies. :peacetwo:
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