Dekons - SourDxOG - Indoor 2011


New Member
Well hello again all my friends @ 420!

It's been a few months since I put up a new journal, so I guess here we go.

What strain is it? Sour Diesel x OG Kush
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? Hybrid
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Flower - 1st Week
If in Veg... For how long? - 22 Days
If in Flower stage... For how long? Day 6 still in the 1st Week
Indoor or outdoor? Indoor
Soil or Hydro? Soil
If soil... what is in your mix? Blend of organic with homemade compost
If soil... What size pot? 4G
Size of light? 150w HPS and 80w of CFL
Is it aircooled? yes
Temp of Room/cab? 75-82 F
RH of Room/cab? 50-60%
Type and strength of ferts used? FF TigerBloom and BigBloom

Day 6 of Flower
Note: To me flowering begins once the plant shows full signs of sex not when 12/12 is introduced. So technically the plant has been in 12/12 for over 20 days now.


Minor LST work just to keep the canopy a level height, other than that no other training has been performed. I can tell you she already has that lovely sour smell already, especially if you rub a branch :)

More to come :Namaste:

Day 10 of Flower

Currently stands bout 6-7in from the soil and I keep the 150w HPS bout 7-8in from the top of the canopy with a box fan keeping her cool. For the feeding, I've been keeping to the basic FF nute schedule. Plus I've been giving her a dose of molasses water (5ml/gal) every other week.


She seems to be stretching out nicely as well already starting to produce crystals.

More to Come....

cool! i think i can get my hands on some of the same clones... im gonna want to see how this one comes out... how long is it supposed to finish in?

From what I was told it should finish around week 9 and should start to pack on some major trics here soon. If I knew she was going to stay short and branchy like this I would of let her veg a few more weeks.

Day 35

- No real big updates just she is starting smell pretty heavy now.
- I try to rotate her in the space about every other week to get an even growth all around.


- She's not really stretching anymore so I just hope she starts to swell nice and fat =)

More to Come....

@astonr Whats up there man! Yeah this grow has been turning out beautiful had a few previous ones I didn't do journals for that didn't turn out so well. Oh well I guess luck of the draw or whatnot....

its cus you didn't post a journal for them!!! they straight out said, "oh were not special???" LOL Glad your postin again brotha!!!

its cus you didn't post a journal for them!!! they straight out said, "oh were not special???" LOL Glad your postin again brotha!!!


hahah your prob right! I should add some photo's of her younger sister just in case. Same strain just 2x the size, I let her veg out for almost 2 months. Just moved her into flower only a week ago so still early for her.

Looking real nice man, how tall is your plant right now? Looks like your gonna get a great yield off that 150 W hps, nice work!

As of today she is only 1ft tall, this one stayed really short and branchy. Even during the first few weeks the stretch was very minimal.


Day 42 in Flower

- Starting today she will get no more nutes, it's about that time to start flushing her out.
- The smell is kind of like a sweaty locker room with a hint of lemon..
- She still just continues to amaze me with the amount of trichs.


Just as a reference point here's a picture of her with her sister. Now her sister I let veg for over two months. She just got put into 12/12 almost a week ago, so about one more week and then it will be day 1 for her =)


More to Come....

Looks really nice Dekon....I would hold off on flushing for another week...they look like they still have some time to flower....most Og's I've run usually go around 70 days or so..What do your trichomes look like?
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