Deformed seedling


420 Member
One week into grow, Purple Gelato photo next to 1/4 pounder auto. I have grown the PG before, first time seeing deformed leaves.
Soil HF forest.. hp 6.4

One week into grow, Purple Gelato photo next to 1/4 pounder auto. I have grown the PG before, first time seeing deformed leaves.
Soil HF forest.. hp 6.4

If it’s a photo you will be fine.
She will probably be a star.
Welcome to 420magazine my friend :welcome:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thanks for replies… appreciate.
If you want to say hi and meet everyone here is a link
Hope you stay for a while my friend. :high-five:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Yup no big whoop at this point, think it will disappear once she gets going but even if the deformation stays from seedling to harvest- it shouldn’t affect potency.

So a seedling should be able to stand under its own strength, plus I’m concerned the skewers are placed way to close to main stem on each. The problem is that the skewers are uncomposted wood- which sucks up nitrogen from the soil as the soil mix tries to decompose it.
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