
420 Member
Hey everyone! First time grower and poster! CT is finally legal for growing so we're gonna give this a whirl and hope we get it down in a couple years!
I first started noticing the discoloration of my leaves almost a couple weeks ago. Originally thought it was going to be fixed with Cal-Mag but i haven't seen any alleviation in it.
I had my friend over a couple days ago and he told me to do a Epsom Salt watering suggesting its sulfur. Which is fine i have no problem doing that but I am looking for some seasoned opinions in hopes of salvaging this harvest in month. TIA everyone!

What Strain is it? Black Cat Kush
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? Hybird
How Many Plants? 2
Is it in Vegetative or Flowering Stage? flower
If in Vegetative Stage... How Long?
If in Flowering Stage... How Long? day 42
Indoor or Outdoor? Indoor
Soil or Hydro? soil
If Hydro, Reservoir size?
If Hydro, Reservoir Temperature?
If Hydro, what type of Medium?
If Hydro, what type of Setup?
If Soil... What is in your Mix? Local guy - Ocean Forrest
If Soil... What Size Pot? 5 Gallons
Size (Wattage) of Light? How Many? AeroLight SE 200W LED Grow Light×1
Is it Air Cooled? yes
Temperature of Room/Cabinet? 75
RH of Room/Cabinet? 55%
PH of Medium or Reservoir? Not Sure, i've been watering between 6.1 and 6.6 PH but ill be checking my runoff later today when my plant raisers get here
Any Pests? No
How Often are you Watering? every 2 or 3 days
Type and Strength of Fertilizers used? Fox Farms Trio ( just started fed Cal mag a couple weeks ago - 3ML doses per Gallon (twice)
Size or Square Footage of Room? 4x2 grow tent

Both plants are in same tent, same feeding etc. Left is one with issue right appears fine (to me)

yes sir! recommended doses of the three bottles (its Fox farms Big Bloom, Grow Big & Tiger Bloom)

The 3ML per Gallon of the calmag was based off the recommended feeding of 2-5ML on the bottle. (Botanicare Cal Mag plus)

It really stumps me as the conditions as far as im aware are the exact same for both plants but their appearance is nothing the same.
is it only happening on the upper leaves? typically when leaf edges curl upward and turn brown it's usually a form of heat or light stress.
yeah i would say its more of the upper, i could dim my light a little bit and move my fan higher more on light and less on plant directly (wind burn?) i've attached a "better" picture

Thanks for the replies fellas!

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