Debate Over Medical Marijuana Sparked Once Again Due To Violence.


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A shooting and a death which was the result of beating, connected directly to medical marijuana, have now managed to prompt new calls by law enforcement officials and marijuana advocates for Washington State to try and change the way the drug is regulated and protection is offered to those who grow and use it.

Reports have revealed that last week, a man died in Orting, Wash., after he was severely beaten up when he confronted people who were trying to steal some marijuana plants from his property. In addition, on Monday, a renowned medical-marijuana activist shot an armed man who had broken into his residence in a suburban area, near Seattle, where he cultivates and distributes marijuana plants.

On Tuesday, the police placed 5 men under arrest and slapped them with charges of robbery linked with the shooting incident. One of the men arrested is in a critical state, after having been shot by Steve Sarich, who runs a group called CannaCare from his house, and he himself has suffered minor injuries.

The crimes are being viewed as the most violent ones ever recorded in the area, related to marijuana, and have ignited the demand for better regulation once again.

"Any person making medical marijuana is going to be a target because they have a valuable commodity", said Sgt. John Urquhart of the King County Sheriff's Department.

News Hawk: Warbux 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: TOP NEWS
Author: Amit Pathania
Contact: Amit Pathania | TopNews United States
Copyright: 2010 TOP NEWS
Website: Debate Over Medical Marijuana Sparked Once Again Due to Violence | TopNews United States
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