DEA Scoffs Obama: Raids California Dispensary

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
Call the White House Immediately!

Can you believe that DEA would act so quickly to undermine and disregard the statements made by President Obama?

Today, the Drug Enforcement Administration, currently staffed by officials from the Bush Administration, raided a medical cannabis dispensary in South Lake Tahoe, California. They did so knowing full well that President Obama has repeatedly pledged to end federal threats, arrests, and prosecutions of patients and their providers in medical cannabis states.

We are shocked and awed! For DEA to act with such brazen arrogance and in direct conflict with the new President̢۪s pledge to end federal raids is deeply concerning. With only weeks left in office, it is clear that top DEA officials are using this transitional period to exploit the differences in policy between the old and new administration.

Call President Obama and urge that he issue an immediate suspension to all federal funds used to investigate, intimidate, arrest, and prosecute individuals who use or provide medical cannabis in accordance with their state laws. Call the White House at (202) 456-1111 and say:

"Hi, my name is _____________. Today, the Drug Enforcement Agency raided a medical cannabis dispensary in Tahoe, California. The dispensary was raided by DEA despite numerous statements by President Obama saying he would end federal interference with state medical cannabis laws. I'm very concerned about outgoing DEA officials undermining these state laws and aggressively threatening innocent Americans. I'm also concerned about DEA taking action that is an affront to President Obama's position. I am pleading with President Obama to issue an immediate suspension of all federal funds used to investigate, intimidate, arrest, or prosecute individuals who use or provide medical cannabis in accordance with their state laws. We are being threatened by our own DEA. Please help us."

President Obama's position on medical marijuana is no secret. This is the single most important action you have been asked to take this year. We need President Obama's support. Once you̢۪ve made this phone call, please forward this message to friends and family. Then visit Contact Us to copy and paste the above message.


George Pappas
Field Coordinator
Americans for Safe Access

Obama needs to fire one or two well placed DEA bosses to send a message.

Biden wasn't lying when he said Obama would be tested; who would have thought it would be from his own employees

I've got my draft written and will be calling this afternoon. I agree we've got to send a strong message on this - maybe it'll bring the issue to a head
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