Daylight saving time and plant "night time"


New Member
Since we had to change our clock back 1 hour this morning, I was thinking that maybe I should adjust my plants scheduled dark time. Does anyone have any info or opinion about this? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, GanjaD
if its dark when you are in your dark period the plant doesnt have a clue if we changed the clock.
now if it screws with your schedual, changing your timer wont make a difference for one day. if its in flower let it have less light for an hour if its in veg an extra hour of light wont hurt either
My plants were on a 12/12 schedule that went from 9 am to 9 pm. But, since daylight savings did it's thing. They now go from 8 am to 8 pm ..... and I didn't have to change a thing ..... LOL.
Or, if you had a very large grow and needed every bit of usable time with the lights on.
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