Day 53 in flowering


New Member
Alright I got this picture.


The smallest of my plants, but I think will be the dankest. The calyx's are huge and soft, and it smells like Fruit Loops almost.
Nice lookin buds, by the way what strain is that?
Ganja man, it's all bag seed dude. No clue on the strains.

Thanks for the kind words guys.

This is my first grow. I'm using Miracle Gro moisture control soil. For light I'm using 210 watts of HPS in two 30 gal. rubbermaids. For the big plant I topped her, and tied her down. Then just before flowering I topped all of the branches again.

After this grow, I'll have 290 watts of HPS + 175 watts of metal halaide in SOG, growing AK-48.
the bud looks good. if its surviving then its doing good. hey you did jump up the potasium during flower right? or some bloom ferts cuz that will have an overload.

by the looks of the leaves they look like you have a deficiancy. maybe nitrogen?
I've also had mad success growin from bad seed... Only prob is that you really dont know what your going to get but a good surprise is always nice in the end.
Did this grow live brother?
If so, please update us with some pictures and info...

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I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates…

Thanks and hope all is well in your world brother!...

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
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