David Blayne's Wardrobe Sativa Grow 2011


New Member
Hi, I am davidblayne, new to the forum.

So basically, I bought some supplies and started my first grow a few weeks ago. I didn't have internet until now, so that is why my journal is a bit late.

I have planted four fast bud 90% sativa plants, which seem to be doing very well. I stupidly put them too close to the light for a few hours when they were little and some of the leaves were damaged, but the plants seem to be recovering fine.

About a week and a half after I planted the first four, I bought five more sweet and sour 80% sativa seeds and planted them as well. Four have sprouted, and I am awaiting the fifth to come out of the ground any day now.

I use a spray bottle to water my plants, which I do once the soil on the top becomes dry. The plants seem to like the watering schedule, as they seem to sprout new leaves daily. I leave the lights on 18/6.

I hope I have provided enough information. I am a novice to growing, so please feel free to offer any and all comments.

Lights - one 400 watt light. I am not aware what kind it is, but it is very hot and puts out a lot of light.

Nutrients - I am using pms starter nutrients. I give them nutrients about once every 3 days and the plants seem to respond well.

Strain(s) - Fast Bud, Sweet and Sour. All seeds were hybrid 80% - 90% sativa.

# of Plants: 9

Yield : 500-650 grams per plant (thats outdoor, I hope to get around 1/4 of that growing indoor)

Thank you, davidblayne

p.s. I apologize for the sloppy ipod touch photographs. I will try to find another way to take better pics soon.






I have noticed one of the leaf sets on my plants turning a bit brownish yellow around the edges. Also, the bigger leaves seem to be curving, making a hotdog-bun type shape. Any idea on what the curving of the big leaves might be? And the browning of the smaller leaf set?

I am sorry for the bad pictures, its the best I can do right now... working on finding a new cord for my other camera.



If you are using a HID type light It is possible that the heat is too intense for your seedlings. even with the light at a safe distance it still can be affected too greatly to direct light. if you have the funds to use a cool white CFL or a couple i think you will have a better result. At least for seedlings.

Mind you. I am a beginner and I am only on my first grow. Hope this helps:thumb:
If you are using a HID type light It is possible that the heat is too intense for your seedlings. even with the light at a safe distance it still can be affected too greatly to direct light. if you have the funds to use a cool white CFL or a couple i think you will have a better result. At least for seedlings.

Mind you. I am a beginner and I am only on my first grow. Hope this helps:thumb:

I appreciate the input. I have a feeling you are right, because the bulb I am using is like a foot tall. Its huge.
if you bought a grow light kit it most likely came with an hps. the color seems like it is one.

I'd say switch to a cfl and see how that goes. a couple CFL are more than enough to get a nice growth from seedlings and Vegging.

If you look through the forums, plenty of people are getting great results with CFL's.

you have plenty of options other than a HID light. CFL would be the cheapest. Alternately, you can also invest in a T5 grow light with cool white tubes.
if you bought a grow light kit it most likely came with an hps. the color seems like it is one.

I'd say switch to a cfl and see how that goes. a couple CFL are more than enough to get a nice growth from seedlings and Vegging.

If you look through the forums, plenty of people are getting great results with CFL's.

you have plenty of options other than a HID light. CFL would be the cheapest. Alternately, you can also invest in a T5 grow light with cool white tubes.

Do you think it would be wise to use CFL for vegging, then switch to the bigger light for flowering?
well I use a T5 for veg but i do plan on using a 400w MH to finish my veg. Another thing to look into is moving to a bigger pot. It could possibly be root bound. i had that issue before i moved to a 1gal pot and it fixed my problem.

I would recommend CFL or T5 for veg the main reason would be the heat. CFL and T5 lighting run cooler than a HID lamp
Thanks for the help. I moved the light more above the plants, I think they will like that.

The seedlings seem to be doing fine.

The fast bud is developing some nice looking new leaf sets, now I am waiting for them to get bigger. When I transferred them to big pots I noticed a LOT of roots in the soil, so I am hoping for quick growth in the next few weeks.

So in summary, not much to say. Waiting for these bebs to take off and get taller.






Looking good man!:thumb: How many weeks are you into your grow?

Thx dude, im glad Im not messing up toooooo much on my first attempt. The grow is about 3 1/2 weeks old.

The leaves curling up around the edges are a sign of too much heat so you might want to move the light a bit higher mate. Looking nice though.

I moved the light higher, thanks a lot for the suggestion and support.

I have another problem

The tips of the leaves on the one problem plant are starting to look really bad. I am guessing it might be lacking a nute, or perhaps there is a problem with the ph in the soil. (I didn't add anything to the organic soil I bought)

If anyone has any ideas that would be great. I am thinking I might need to add something to the soil to neutral out the ph in that pot...

Sorry again for the bad pics, but some are better than none right?




It still looks like Heat Damage to me . Do you have any ventilation? Any Fans? How long have they been growing in the pot they are in? What's the Size of the pot? Whats the temp/RH in your grow area?

Answer those questions and it will help get better responses.

To me it just looks wilted from lack of water and too much heat/no air circulation.

Hope this helps :thumb:
Alright long time no update but thats the nature of the grow I suppose.... Im not really putting too much work into because of $$ constraints. If anyone is interested, im actually an exchange student in holland right now so I decided to take that opportunity to try my hand growing some trees, something which I always wanted to do.

But anyways, three out of the four plants have considerable yellowing on some of the leaves, but they are still growing and smelling good so im just going to continue the same stuff ive been doing and hopefully come out with a crop.

The seedlings are growing extremely slow, and I don't really know why.

I have realized after reading doc buds posts that I am at a very big disadvantage growing in a big wardrobe in the middle of my room, because I have very little control over temperature and humidity, two very important factors for plant growth.

So not too much to say, have a look at my crappy ipod touch photos if it toots your horn, lemme know what you think.







and a pic of the wardrobe they're growing in so you can get a sense of how retarded this is:

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