Daunting Task


Active Member
I have a few plants that are planted outside and are currently budding. Of the plants I have there are a couple I would like to dig up and save. I plan on digging them up and putting them into 50 gallon pots and move them back into my grow room. My room has a 1000w LED light which I would go back to 24 hour light cycle. The plants are happy now but when I transplant they are not going to be happy. How much of the folage do I trim back when I transplant? What nutes do I use before and after the transplant? Do I let them finish flower or just get it done now?


moving to indoors is one thing and the plants are not going to like it initially plus you risk bringing pests inside with them to contaminate your room

going back to 24 hour lights (or anything above 12/12) is called a reveg and it will take plants out of flower. They will reveg and afterwards become dense beasts (it’s called monster cropped) but it takes 4 to 6 weeks of downtime at a minimum and then you’ve got to trigger flower cycle again with 12/12 light change. Any buds on them currently will kinda be lost, so yeah. you can harvest the buds now but leave enough fan leaf growth on the branches to keep drawing sap. Root pruning does help with reveg.

When plant does reveg whether accidental or forced it will appear the plants have stalled out with zero growth (many weeks) then magically it will start popping single bladed fan leaves up top, another week ot two it will pop 3 bladed fan leaves up top then finally 5 bladed fans will appear and will resume growing normal from there

Might help to add pics of each plant so they can be evaluated

but before you begin can you please advise of your general area - pick a nearby major city so we have an idea of where you are located

I gotta run but this crew will look after you….
Not kidding...... I have plenty of other plants that are finishing. My problem is that they need to go until the end of October but my location won't allow it. I live in Montana and we have had 4 significant frost days so far.
Not kidding...... I have plenty of other plants that are finishing. My problem is that they need to go until the end of October but my location won't allow it. I live in Montana and we have had 4 significant frost days so far.
Can you build a green house around it?
I like the makeshift greenhouse option V4L mentioned. Doesn’t have to be pretty as long as it keeps frost off plants and doesn‘t collapse in a storm
You could even add a fan and a small heat lamp...
Wont be able to transplant those large plants without a lot of work and you will need extra hands.

Just take cuts from low down on the plant see if you can find a branch that doesn't have a flower. If they all have flowers cut off the flower and make a clone it will take a few months to get it going again.
Great job! Looking real good!
Most all of the pistils should shrivel and change color. And do you have a loupe or digital microscope to check the trichomes? The trichomes will change from clear to cloudy, then they will start turning amber. You definitely want them to change to cloudy with some amber. I personally Look for lots of amber like 50%. The more amber the more couch lock type of high.
Hope that helps... :hookah:
So I went to visit the girls this morning and I had frost on my only plant outside the greenhouse. It's a very frost resistant White Widow that has had frost on it pretty much every day. By 10am she will shake off the frost and be beaming once again! I also took a couple pics inside the greenhouse and everyone looks great!





So.... the next question is when are they ready?
Right before the rains start. Watch your weekly weather forecast. You get any 3-4 day clouds with rain that's my chop window.
You prefer to pull when the trichomes are amber? If so, what percentage do you like to pull at? Myself, I tend to enjoy a less couchy high so I pull when the are milky just turning amber like maybe 30% amber vs 70% milky
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