Dark Propagator Micro Growing


New Member

So I have a DP90 with an Apollo Horticulture Purple Sun and a Kessil H150 Magenta. I have An Elf filter and a 4" turbo fan exhausting the tent. The tent is in an insulated garage but has no cooling or heating. I'm having fun in this tent and also exploring breeding. I have the second season of my homemade strain Stairway to Heaven ready to be grown out and selectively bred. I also have a handful of Stairway x Bruce Banner seeds. I'm popping seeds and growing buds as I see fit. If you are using this as a grow reference I'm sorry I'm going to jump around a lot! That said, If you want to see my normal growing method check my signature. So lets grow some small plants with big buds or lets make these strains stone solid. Stay tuned.
So I have a StH and a StHxBB in #2 smart pots folded 1/3 down, filled with CYCO coco pearl. I am feeding Technaflora BC Boost and BC Bloom on the regular and I foliar on Fridays with Bloom Khaos, Snow Storm, and MagiCal. These plants are all being grown on 12 on 12 off from seed.

StH on the right StHxBB in the middle StHxBB in the propagator on the left
Take us where you will SemperHi, subscribed.

Take us where you will SemperHi, subscribed.


Look who it is! Thanks for stopping in. This micro grow is at my own place with the wife's blessing. One rule, it all stays on the box (tent). I'm stoked, even though the space is small and hot I'm still stoked.
Looking good SemperHi, I'm glad the boss is on board, it sure helps. lol. Same thing here, not in the house, afraid of fire (that's cool). Right now we are looking for a new rental with a good out building, something I can at least insulate and with power, not much out there. Tomorrow we are talking to the bank and see if the will lend to us for a new construction loan for a house, and a 12'X30'X8' shed with water, 4-30amp's of power. This I will build myself with my specifications. Fingers crossed, either a VA loan or USDA loan for poor bastards.
I'll be checking in SemperHi keep it green.
Also, have you thought about how to keep the garage warm in the winter & cool in the summer?
Nice update SempherHi, so after 9 days the roots are set and the plants take off, cool.
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