Danger of mold?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys this is my royal domina and i wanna know if u guys think my Lady is Prone to mold.

Its kinda Hard Defoliating her cause of her density and the Missin Access from the sides, i also cant take her out cause of the netting shes in.

Shes got 3 Fans blowin air around and under her canopy.

Let me know what u think!

Happy growing :)





... and i wanna know if u guys think my Lady is Prone to mold.
The mold spores, and even mildew spores, are floating around in the the air so any plant can be prone.

I had plant after plant be perfectly OK and then one day I discovered Bud Rot mold on two smaller clones. For the next couple of months it was a constant chore to check each plant and I found a couple more cases. Then the problem stopped and it has been over 4 years since I found any Bud Rot on the inside plants.

It might be that I am spraying my indoor plants at least every 5 days with a home-made citric acid spray to keep chances of Powdery Mildew at a level that lets me keep my sanity. Possible that the citric acid is leaving a barrier that prevents the mold spores from finding a safe surface that they can grow on.

Maybe check the products that are sold for mold & mildew control to see if any of them are recommended as a preventative.
The mold spores, and even mildew spores, are floating around in the the air so any plant can be prone.

I had plant after plant be perfectly OK and then one day I discovered Bud Rot mold on two smaller clones. For the next couple of months it was a constant chore to check each plant and I found a couple more cases. Then the problem stopped and it has been over 4 years since I found any Bud Rot on the inside plants.

It might be that I am spraying my indoor plants at least every 5 days with a home-made citric acid spray to keep chances of Powdery Mildew at a level that lets me keep my sanity. Possible that the citric acid is leaving a barrier that prevents the mold spores from finding a safe surface that they can grow on.

Maybe check the products that are sold for mold & mildew control to see if any of them are recommended as a preventative.
The mold spores, and even mildew spores, are floating around in the the air so any plant can be prone.

I had plant after plant be perfectly OK and then one day I discovered Bud Rot mold on two smaller clones. For the next couple of months it was a constant chore to check each plant and I found a couple more cases. Then the problem stopped and it has been over 4 years since I found any Bud Rot on the inside plants.

It might be that I am spraying my indoor plants at least every 5 days with a home-made citric acid spray to keep chances of Powdery Mildew at a level that lets me keep my sanity. Possible that the citric acid is leaving a barrier that prevents the mold spores from finding a safe surface that they can grow on.

Maybe check the products that are sold for mold & mildew control to see if any of them are recommended as a preventative.

home-made citric acid spray
@SmokingWings can you or have you already expanded on the home-made citric acid spray? This sounds interesting to me as a new grower I am already in fear of bud rot and mold. I have access to all the citrus I want.
The mold spores, and even mildew spores, are floating around in the the air so any plant can be prone.

I had plant after plant be perfectly OK and then one day I discovered Bud Rot mold on two smaller clones. For the next couple of months it was a constant chore to check each plant and I found a couple more cases. Then the problem stopped and it has been over 4 years since I found any Bud Rot on the inside plants.

It might be that I am spraying my indoor plants at least every 5 days with a home-made citric acid spray to keep chances of Powdery Mildew at a level that lets me keep my sanity. Possible that the citric acid is leaving a barrier that prevents the mold spores from finding a safe surface that they can grow on.

Maybe check the products that are sold for mold & mildew control to see if any of them are recommended as a preventative.
I See, thank u!

So in my understanding its very unlikely That mold is gonna Form or "be born" on or between the leafes, in a regualated enviremont that doesnt forsee high Degrees and high rh for a Good period of time.

In the other Hand if Mold spores are in the air or nearby they can "Sit" on spots that arent Controlled for even 2-3h and create like a mold Spot right?

This shit can sit everywhere on the Walls and Everything right?
Keep your Humidity down below 55% and keep plenty of air flow / exchange
Looks good to me, as long as you keep the RH low during flower. (as Vegan4life mentions above). Your airflow situation seems just fine.

I might worry if you are higher than 60-65 RH, Are you using a hydrometer to monitor RH? It would help to know where you are with RH...

I like to flower during the winter months due to the fact that RH drops really low when it gets cold. I also use a dehumidifier which works great too.
Looks good to me, as long as you keep the RH low during flower. (as Vegan4life mentions above). Your airflow situation seems just fine.

I might worry if you are higher than 60-65 RH, Are you using a hydrometer to monitor RH? It would help to know where you are with RH...

I like to flower during the winter months due to the fact that RH drops really low when it gets cold. I also use a dehumidifier which works great too.
Thank u!

Yes my rh never goes Above 65%, when it Hits 60% i turn on a Dehu behind the closet, next to the Inline Fan, So It never Exceeds 65%.
At night we got about 57%/23,5°~ without a Dehu.

Also i would love to know what u guys would recommend for keeping Heat down. Cause i cant seem to keep her from reaching above 28°~ with light on.
I think you're probably ok for mold control, but your plant looks hungry to me. I guess it could be the strain, just wanted to mention it.
Ye shes a Diva, she had Deffiencys her whole little plant life.

I corrected the feeding schedule for me only a few days ago.
Shes getting the nutes she Needs now, just Needs a Little time to Show Recovery progress.
@SmokingWings can you or have you already expanded on the home-made citric acid spray? This sounds interesting to me as a new grower I am already in fear of bud rot and mold. I have access to all the citrus I want.
The recipe is from @InTheShed and I found it in a thread about Thrips and Thrip control. Link below:

The Citric Acid I use is the one in the photo. You will also find Mrs. Wages (maker of flavoring packages for home canning) also has a small container of the stuff so getting a photo off their web site will show you what their bottle looks like. This stuff is used for food preservation and home canning so check that section in larger supermarkets and local neighborhood hardware stores (I have not found it in home improvement super-stores).


I noticed that InTheShed is running a testing of a Canola Oil (as opposed to petroleum oils) spray. The link to the current stage of that test and the explanation and that current recipe is at:
Thank u!

Yes my rh never goes Above 65%, when it Hits 60% i turn on a Dehu behind the closet, next to the Inline Fan, So It never Exceeds 65%.
At night we got about 57%/23,5°~ without a Dehu.

Also i would love to know what u guys would recommend for keeping Heat down. Cause i cant seem to keep her from reaching above 28°~ with light on.

57RH is good, late flower at 65 puts you into risky territory, especially if the colas get large and dense.

I'd try to get under 65 later flower if I was you. The fans will help (a lot) but I've found mid 50's are best close to harvest.

28 celcius (82 F) is a good temperature to keep all the life active in your soil, maybe a bit warm, but better than me. My room is cold (67 F) and it slows down growth and soil life. Ive been told that higher temperatures will help my grows, so you've got me beat there. -- I'd say your in great shape as is, maybe turn your carbon filter/fan up a bit to help pull out the heat from the lights?

Love how beefy and small your plant is. The main stem is a beast ! Those colas should be monsters in the next few weeks... You might want to read up on Scrog or mainline techniques. The fact that a few colas are "kings of the mountain", means that the lower colas will suffer. The plant will prioritize the higher colas. The trick is to get all colas at equal height and distance to the light. All good though, many love letting their plants grow naturally...

Here is a small mainline grow as an example. All the colas are even meaning they are all treated equal. ( I believe in equal rights for colas !)

(oops, its an auto, my fault. mainlines may not work well for autos with high stress training, but you could still scrog.)

NL 3 circle buds.JPG
Thank u very much for All the Info guys.
This is jsut little Update.
I got the Dehumifier always on and im between 45-60rh all the time Works fine.

Defoliated her a Little bit and cut off 3 Little buds to Ensure Mold Control.
See Photos of her now :)
Happy growing :)



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