Cutting leaves in half


New Member
I know theres a big debate about weather or not clipping fan leaves during fowering is good or bad and I do not need infomation on completely cliping them, i have my own opinions. I do, though, have a similiar question that any and all feed back would be awesome.

When cloning people normally cut leaves in half to manipulate growth from leaves to the root system right?? I have also seen documentaries where groweres have cut flowering plant fan leaves in half to do something close.

Question...If you cut the leaves in half will that divert grow energy from leaves to the bud??
Good question....(I'll join you in waiting for experts opinions)..lets:bongrip: while we wait shall we?
At least i got someone to wait with. hahaha. The funny thing is that i am an ex pot head and dont do it at all. Because i dont do it i can make the most profit possible. As well as give my 2 pot head roomates a bunch of free weed. Its kinda weird.
"Most profits possible" conflicts with giving "2 roommates a bunch of free weed" lol
haha that was kinda contradicting wasnt it. If i get 8oz or so and give them 1oz a piece for personal thats still 6 that i can make some money off of. Im not taking over the world just a couple extra hundreds never hurt.
Roots of a plant absorb moisture and nutrients to support existing growth and to promote new growth or development. When a clone is cut it has no roots...only the small cut end of the stem to absorb water and nutrients. This small conduit for moisture and nutrients isn't big enough to support the existing top growth. Growers will cut the leaves half way to reduce the amount of existing growth that the "root system" (in this case the stem) can support. If this isn't done the existing top growth can wilt, wither, and die.
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