Thats how mine looked with too much nitrogen too, i had to do a few heavy waterings that did the trick, different strains tolerate nitrogen, my Mac1 was very touchie….
Depending on the size of the plant and the hang area. I’ve only ever hung small plants whole. Big plants by the branch. Kind of up to you for what works with what you have.
Im about to chop in the next few days, i chop them whole, i defoliate pretty well so there isnt a ton of vegetation. 68°F/62%RH usually takes 10-12 days for the outside to be crispy-ish
Everyone has their own way of preparing for drying/curing. I pesonally hang the plant whole with the fan leaves on, since IMHO it slows the drying/curing process. However if mold is a potential issue, then wet trim and get the fan leaves off.