Curling leaves


420 Member
Hello all. I'm approaching the end of the 7th week of flower. I'm guessing I lowered my new to me mars hydro FC6500 too much. My leaves started to cure ineards.The plant is a greasy runtz and doesn't look happy. Do you think it will recover? Anything I should be doing ? I raised the light back up to the top of the tent. Rh43% 24c . 12/12.






How does that work ,that the dead leaves could promote bud rot ? I'm a noob and this is my 1st grow ,so I'm trying lo learn all I can.
Any dead leaves will reduce airflow around the buds, maybe a potential risk if your humidity is anything but low
How does that work ,that the dead leaves could promote bud rot ? I'm a noob and this is my 1st grow ,so I'm trying lo learn all I can.
Fungus loves to grow on dead plant matter, and once it starts it will kill the live matter too! Mold/Fungus spores are everywhere, floating in the air, on your hands/clothes, unless you're running HEPA filters and a "Clean Room", there's no way to get around it. Keeping airflow high and humidity low will help reduce the potential for bud rot..
I’m a huge proponent of keeping as many leaves as possible so long as it doesn’t detract from the health of plant. Admittedly, all dead leaves must go if they don’t fall on their own. Any areas where it’s very congested preventing air flow should be thinned out whether dead or alive, and if you need to fit a certain space it helps to thin them out to maintain size as well as airflow and light penetration. Any lower stuff can go along the way in my opinion as well. Bud rot is based on mold and there are many factors including strain, environment, humidity etc that contribute. Anything that allows the buds to retain too much moisture for too long whether it’s non stop rain for outdoors scenario contributes as well.
So,do you think the light being light close was the main contributing factor ?
If you’re referring to mold/mildew issue then no. Mold prefers dark and damp for growth. Light too close will contribute to leaf burn and dehydration though.
And I know when you’re new you get an overload of information and cool stuff that you see that you may want to try everything. At least that was the case with me. Throw all the cool ideas out the window at first or at least follow a successful grower or 2 to a T and ask all the questions you can and take notes but no matter what make sure what you follow is within your means for time and expense. Even if you’re independently wealthy and can follow the best and largest grower to a T I’d still recommend playing with all the basics for yourself. It’s very complicated yet very simple. You may end up like me trying the most organic and laziest and cheap method you can, or you can end up being in the world record range for production- it’s a fun journey and all up to the individual
Thanks budnoob3 !! Guess I will pull them like you said. I just have to farmiliarize myself with budwashing, harvest & curing. I do have 6 autos I started a week ago. Hopfully I improve my skills set. I have gained a fair bit of knowledge this far.



For now focus on environment, feeding and watering for sprouting and veg. Ignore all the drying and curing until ready no matter how simple, 1st tip for you is early stage you want wet/dry cycle to promote root growth which means let the soil get damp like a wrung out sponge before watering again for now. Those are babies so make sure to keep humidity in the higher range of what your strain likes. Humidity may require adding a misting schedule at min with extra effort or adding a humidifier with automated controls for most expense and least effort for example. If you don’t know anything about strain use sites like seedfinder and similar as well as asking questions from others who’ve worked with same. Get the environment locked in first and foremost. Advise changes along the way so take notes and dates/times vigilantly.
And plenty here know way more than I do that are happy to contribute and help.
When i was talking about dying etc , I meant for the plants in the pictures in the first post of this thread, not for these baby auto,s .
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