Curing question

yes you can if its the same batch. By that I mean don’t add this months harvest to a jar from last month.

This is called finished goods - the stuff you worked for. Don’t go cheap here, no shortcuts, extra caution and planning. If you are new to dry cure - gotta have those in jar or mini hygrometers.

Some are cheap digital Chinese plastic 1 X 2 inch others are mason style jar lid insert type and fit right into your mason jar seal rings. 62% rh is your number
yes you can if its the same batch. By that I mean don’t add this months harvest to a jar from last month.

This is called finished goods - the stuff you worked for. Don’t go cheap here, no shortcuts, extra caution and planning. If you are new to dry cure - gotta have those in jar or mini hygrometers.

Some are cheap Chinese plastic 1 X 2 inch others are mason style jar lid insert type and fit right into your mason jar seal rings. 62% rh is your number
I have mini hygrometers coming in today. Other stuff will be dry in 2 weeks or less. So if I put what I have now into a jar and add to it 2 weeks from now and continue to cure for another month it should be okay?
When I do a staggered harvest on a very tall plant I process 3 different batches.

Why? because my chop dates are several weeks apart. I take the top colas for my A harvest and start processing that. I keep that A harvest handled, jarred and stored separate all the way thru.

About ten days later I chop my middle level buds for the B harvest, I process them but since they are fresh and have more RH then will never be placed in same jars as my A harvest.

Last I cut the lowers and larf for my C harvest - these will never be stored with either A or B.

now 2 or 3 months out when they are perfected. yes I could put them in same jar. I’m not a pro by any stretch and I’m probably anal about some things... anyway that’s my 0.02 cents!

it could probably be done other ways too
Get a smaller jar.
If growing the same strain I just harvest all at the same time depending on spare space.

Personally I would not dare mix slow air dried bud to another jar cured for a few weeks already purely on taste between the two ages of bud.

When I think about if it is dried well enough why not ? taste might not be on the agenda when recreational results might well be !
I made a slight arrangement haha. Its no glass jar but it will work!
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