Cure/Treatmant Powdery Mildew?


New Member
I did a very bad thing, with very good intentions...

I helped my friend clone some of his girls, and now I have seen powedery mildew on my girls... not just where the clones were but all through out my grow garden. I have used sierra natural science product... it keeps it down and in check to some degree, but it never goes away completely. I need to know if I have to go scorched earth? The last time I ran accross this problem I shut down my med room and starded buying my med's for a while. I was very happy with my lone plant then made it into a larger system, and now I am able to sustain my own needs.



If you want to totally kill it rather than just battle it, you will need a sulfur burner.

Google 'DIY Sulfur burner' Cheap (~$10) to make and easy.

2nd'd on the diy sulphur burner...

I've had powdery mildew from low temp... and I've delt with that and Temp ins't a problem any more. I got this infection from my friend that started with club genes', and wanted to expand his grow. I wasn't using my cloner and instead of loaning it out he brought over his cuttings... the rest is history. I'm looking into a burner as we type. Currently, My plan is to cut all of the leaf's off (everythignin Veg) and blow off with compressed air then treat heavyly tonight with SNS 244 i think the number is correct. then in three days treat with a bayer product, then in three days treat with the sns product.

I think that I can continue this for one week, maybe two, I doubt I want to continue this into the third week. If I can't solve this problem in that amount of time. I should have a sulfer burner in place by then and I might not need to fret...

The real question is if, the fungi will survive if I export or should I forget about exporting from this stock?

A friend told me that once it's in a plat it is part of the plants dna? Is this correct?

Thanks for the help Guys,
Latest Update, I've reduced it to a fraction of thier former stature. I removed all of the leafs except for the baby leafs. Treating the room and will treat the plants again before they enter the room again. I'm treating the walls and floor, ect with a strong h2o2 mix, and spray it very liberally.

I will post back during the week end and let you guys know... I'm gonna build a sulfur burner like the post earlier told me about before it was deleted?

Thanks for the help!
Well, it's been about a month since the last time I posted... Thanks for all of the help! I have went the treated scorched earth idea. I am trimming, treating and I am burning sulfur. I found myself chopping off all of the effected area then treated with the SNS244 multiple times, then I took the advise of a post telling me to build a sulfur burner and it works GREAT. I still have a little sign but I am just starting my flower cycle. The way I'm gonna treat the whole thing Like a great learning experiance. I figure that all the flower that I get from this batch will go throught the Hash baggs. Then I will bleach and H2o2 in cycles before I start my new cycle.

I Thank you guys alot!
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