Critical Kush - First Time Grow - Coco Coir

I don't save anything that doesn't have trichs on it. If you are referring to juicing the leaves then I have no idea. I take all my trim that has trichs on it and jar it up just I like I do my bud and let it cure. I then decarb it on a baking sheet in the oven and put it into the machine. In my experience all trim is usually amber by this time so to me it's all the same. Amber trichs make me stony and sleepy. I also grow 4 different strains each time and rarely get enough trim to make separate batches of each strain so I mix it altogether. If I was using bud I wouldn't do this. If you use bud you would want to keep it separate so you can feel the differences in the high and have it not be jumbled. Maybe cross mixing sativas with other sativas and same with indicas might be fine but I would personally rather keep it separated if I was using quality material.

The nice part about the magic butter machine is that you can do as much or as little as you want. It's super easy to use and clean and doing a bunch of littler batches would be no big deal. I really wouldn't be including just plain leaves in it ever. Trim can be used to make butter or tincture. I have also infused oil for cooking, coconut oil for chocolates and hard candies. I have made alcohol tinctures with it but still haven't tried the results. I let it sit in a mason jar for about 6 months now and it looks like RSO oil. In the process of learning how to make topicals as well. Made a couple batches of oils and creams that turned out well but were not infused. I will be looking into growing some CBD strains for those. Don't think THC does much for the skin and muscles like CBD does.
Awesome info dude! Thanks for sharing.

As a slight heads up I tried alcohol infused with THC a few years back, fair warning its messy. It really hits hard and out of nowhere. Atleast in my case it did, the combination had me all numb and fuzzy, but spinning in my head .

Now I'm off to look into the butter machine and read up on your coco techniques (I want to try coco soon so who better to learn off than a POtM winner! - congrats btw) .

Awesome info dude! Thanks for sharing.

As a slight heads up I tried alcohol infused with THC a few years back, fair warning its messy. It really hits hard and out of nowhere. Atleast in my case it did, the combination had me all numb and fuzzy, but spinning in my head ��.

Now I'm off to look into the butter machine and read up on your coco techniques (I want to try coco soon so who better to learn off than a POtM winner! - congrats btw) ��.


Thank you! It started as two of the really large mason jars full and is now about 1/3 of a cup. I've let the alcohol slowly evaporate over about 4-5 months. Should be pretty potent and most of the alcohol gone because I don't want the crossfade. I have pretty good patience right? Actually I just forget about it all the time since it is hidden away.
Thank you! It started as two of the really large mason jars full and is now about 1/3 of a cup. I've let the alcohol slowly evaporate over about 4-5 months. Should be pretty potent and most of the alcohol gone because I don't want the crossfade. I have pretty good patience right? Actually I just forget about it all the time since it is hidden away.
Haha you should be fine I'm sure you know what you are doing , I just thought I'd mention it, it really messed me up . It might be nice in some alcoholic chocolates maybe of its nice and thick?
Patience is proving to be the hardest part of growing for me, I've never been very patient at all (I will literally choose to not do things if there is a queue for example - restaurants, if there is more than a 20-30 minute wait for food, I'm outta there), time to learn I guess. All the journals on here and all the techniques and skills yet to learn is keeping me busy for now atleast .

I don't save anything that doesn't have trichs on it. If you are referring to juicing the leaves then I have no idea. I take all my trim that has trichs on it and jar it up just I like I do my bud and let it cure for weeks. I then decarb it on a baking sheet in the oven and put it into the machine. In my experience all trim is usually amber by this time so to me it's all the same. Amber trichs make me stony and sleepy. I also grow 4 different strains each time and rarely get enough trim to make separate batches of each strain so I mix it altogether. If I was using bud I wouldn't do this. If you use bud you would want to keep it separate so you can feel the differences in the high and have it not be jumbled. Maybe cross mixing sativas with other sativas and same with indicas might be fine but I would personally rather keep it separated if I was using quality material.

The nice part about the magic butter machine is that you can do as much or as little as you want. It's super easy to use and clean and doing a bunch of littler batches would be no big deal. I really wouldn't be including just plain leaves in it ever. Trim can be used to make butter or tincture. I have also infused oil for cooking, coconut oil for chocolates and hard candies. I have made alcohol tinctures with it but still haven't tried the results. I let it sit in a mason jar for about 6 months now and it looks like RSO oil. In the process of learning how to make topicals as well. Made a couple batches of oils and creams that turned out well but were not infused. I will be looking into growing some CBD strains for those. Don't think THC does much for the skin and muscles like CBD does.

Thanks for the great explanation. Up until this point I have mostly been making tinctures with PGA. I have tried a heat method, one at room temperature for 60 days and a couple different freezer techniques. I usually evaporate it down afterward to the strength I like.
Ate almost a full brownie yesterday, so about 100 mg, took about an hour but I felt great for a few hours. Ended up dabbing while still feeling the brownie and passed out for a couple hours on the couch. Woke up, dabbed and away I went to my bed. Feel great this morning. And it's time to rejuvenate.
The one girl still has this look on almost all leaves.

After this morning's hair cut
I'll second that. Ph your runoff maybe to be sure your in range. I can almost be sure you are because you've been doing great at monitoring TDS! But just to be sure....

Are you sure youdont wanna flip soon? Or maybe throw a screen above them? I foresee large plants in your future Mr swagg . That's a purple crystal ball
I'll second that. Ph your runoff maybe to be sure your in range. I can almost be sure you are because you've been doing great at monitoring TDS! But just to be sure....

Are you sure youdont wanna flip soon? Or maybe throw a screen above them? I foresee large plants in your future Mr swagg . That's a purple crystal ball
That's what I have u guys here for. Cuz I don't know when I should or how much they'll grow etc. I was just gonna let the sides catch up more to the top. And I was hoping it would happen quickly.

That one plant is the one that was always looking funny from the very beginning so I think it's partly from the DNA. I have to buy a few fittings still before I can make a new tier. That place i went to i really didn't like thier prices. Thought it was way overpriced so I'm still looking around for another place. This crazy leaf snipping rampage I went on hopefully doesn't slow them down too much. Cuz I kinda went crazy a little
Depends how much they stretch... as mentioned in my journal my girl didn't really stretch at all lol... I more or less have to completely fill my tent out before even flipping to 12/12... Id recommend you go ahead and veg another week or two before you flip and then if you grow the same strains next grow you'll get a better idea of how much the strain stretches. A scrog would be nice and you would definitely benefit from going at least another two weeks if you do scrog imo. May not be a bad idea to add extra cal-mag it's a pretty large plant she can probably take a good bit of nutrients. She's looking great though.
All these mofos are on point! Cal mag is super necessary under led and especially with coco, are you using 5mL per gallon rn?
Most schedules are built for hps lighting, it's still debated wether led is to be treated differently or not but I always hear led plants need more silica and cal mag.

The other thing is your ph needs to be about 6.4 to absorb cal mag for cannabis, something we just don't do for coco so some people will "plain" water with cal mag at a higher ph on alternating waters with feeds. Also watering on a ph spectrum can help with that as well.

I'm not gunna advise shit cause I'm coco clueless but I know ^that stuff^ is true, how we act on it, I'll let someone else help there XD
Between 5 and 7 depending on my mood. That's for all the nutes. And that's according to the schedule.

Hey Swag I've got 8 plants in coco now and use 5 per gallon CalMag and keep my PH around 5.9-6.0. Had zero cal mag issues. Your spots look exactly what I had a few weeks ago in my dwc though and that was a low PH and high PPM that caught me off guard. The spots were only on a few lower fans, looked like they lost a layer, then the spots turned dead brown so expect that I would say. I corrected the issue right away but those few leaves looked like crap until I eventually took them out. Look at page 4 of my journal and you will see what I had.

Everyone calmed me down and it all worked out lol.
Sunday fun day update before my morning dabs. Still no extra tiers built of fittings gotten. Trying to figure out if I can get away without using those expensive fittings and using more cheaper ones. When I have some time where I can sit there and think without being bothered then I'll get it all figured out

Ladies have been untied for the past 24 hours and they loved it. They were able to spread and stretch every which way they chose. But as all great trainers, u gotta let them know who's boss. So this morning they got tied up again. Can't let them get too comfy on thier own.

Notice how all of them around the edges all starting to curve back upwards. So I went ahead and tied most of them back up then I'll release them tonight once lights come back on or something or maybe wait till tomorrow. I can defenitly see this vegging go another couple weeks easy unless they go into overdrive in the next week.
Dabs away!!
Nice I can't wait to see you work with your QB, soo much good feedback on those mofos I'm stoked for you man
Nice I can't wait to see you work with your QB, soo much good feedback on those mofos I'm stoked for you man
I'm pretty excited too. Nice little addition to support what I've got now. They didn't have any 3000k so I had to get the 4000 k. Just shopping some drivers so hopefully have that ordered by weeks end then just wait for them to show up.
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