Critical Kush - First Time Grow - Coco Coir

I think if you wove the plants through the first tier like a pro. Then a second tier would provide some good stability. I would be my guess that if you have them just growing up through a square that you will have to support big buds anyway. I just can't see string holding things up straight when you get deep into flower. Have never tried though so just theory so far.
U beat me to it GGG. Glad you popped in again. One of my buddies recommended I make a second tier so I'm glad you brought it up. I've been thinking about it but just haven't got around to it yet. And I hope this opens up some discussion about it and help me decide how much more or less beneficial it would be for me. The materials are cheap so I'm not pressed for funds to make an extra tier but would like to see what others input is. Obviously this is my first grow and all I wanna do is learn and at the same time maximize the plants potential.
Funny this was brought up. I was wondering about a dual screen approach as well. I came to the conclusion it wasn't necessary, but I guess if the colas get big enough it would be beneficial for support? I'd love to see you give it a go swagg! I am still debating between a manifold and scrog... Maybe you'll convince me to go double decker. Too many training styles, so little time .
There's nothing like a proper scrog. The yields are insane when done properly. I had a plant that was 2/3 stem and 1/3 cola. IMO it was a waste of space and time. Outdoors is different, better penetration down low. Indoors not as much so you gotta do your best to provide her with ample light or you'll wind up having either too much stem or too much larf. Maybe you can play around with side lighting to improve the density and quality of lower buds.
I think if you wove the plants through the first tier like a pro. Then a second tier would provide some good stability. I would be my guess that if you have them just growing up through a square that you will have to support big buds anyway. I just can't see string holding things up straight when you get deep into flower. Have never tried though so just theory so far.
I don't see any downside to trying honestly so I think im.gonna most likely run a second tier. Should help in theory. And if it does then I win and other interested can see the benefits hopefully.
So your 2nd tier is pretty much for cola support yes?
I'm gonna assume yes. But someone else will say for sure.
Not gonna hurt your yield so may as well. Can only make it better.
That's what I'm thinking. Few bucks for a stick of pvc for what might be little extra bud. Easy choice.
So your 2nd tier is pretty much for cola support yes?
Mostly yea, basically the idea is to do all your weaving and training for the first screen during veg, fill the screen about 75 to 80 percent. Then the second screen is for the stretch, it's mostly for support, but if you notice shoots stretching up everywhere you can spread them out evenly through the second screen as they grow,optimizing light penetration!
Mostly yea, basically the idea is to do all your weaving and training for the first screen during veg, fill the screen about 75 to 80 percent. Then the second screen is for the stretch, it's mostly for support, but if you notice shoots stretching up everywhere you can spread them out evenly through the second screen as they grow,optimizing light penetration!

Cool. I may need that with mine the way they are growing. Sloppy as shit right now. Might be easiest to add a couple tee's into the lower pvc now and figure height as needed later. Thanks Guys .
I'd really like to see you tackle a true scrog. A lot of people build scrog nets and don't even use them for anything more than for stability. That's where the second tier can come in handy if you allow them to fill the screen completely before you flip them. Play around with it brother and if you wind up needing a second tier you can always make one!

I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've said this to people. A true scrog is wicked. Unfortunately on these forums a lot of people hang a string trellis net and people call it a scrog. As you said it's more like support strings. I put my scrog net away a few grows ago. It's a lot of work but the reward is awesome. A true scrog is hard to beat in my opinion. Not too many people doing true scrogs around here but I'll agree and say I'd love to see Swagg tackle that sometime soon as well!
I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've said this to people. A true scrog is wicked. Unfortunately on these forums a lot of people hang a string trellis net and people call it a scrog. As you said it's more like support strings. I put my scrog net away a few grows ago. It's a lot of work but the reward is awesome. A true scrog is hard to beat in my opinion. Not too many people doing true scrogs around here but I'll agree and say I'd love to see Swagg tackle that sometime soon as well!
U got an old pic or maybe if you have a minute be able to find and post a true scrog pic. If I'm gonna do it I wanna do it right. Just so I can compare and adjust what I've got to transform it if need be.
Well I ran a scrog but it was only one layer. I'm not sure if GGG was referring to a double net but to me a scrog is when you have a tight net and use it to train the plant across it and then flip to flower. Once you flip to flower you keep training the plant for about 10 days and filling in more squares. The next 7 days you let stretch and grow vertical. Anything under the net I pretty much got rid of and all that was left was colas above the net. They weren't tall enough to need the 2nd net but the easiest way I think is to build one solid scrog net and then you can use a trellis for support if you need to.

Nice and tight so when the plants are the height of the net you can start bending them under the strings and onto the next square. Not saying my net is perfect but way better than just trellis netting with 6" squares that are saggy and won't keep the plants in place.

I could have vegged for longer to fill the whole net but I was impatient. This is at the end of stretch and this is how full the net should have been when it started stretching if I wanted to fill the whole thing.

Towards the end. Would have liked it to be a little more vertical but this was my first time and I didn't have the knowledge of waiting 10 days into flower and then letting them go for a week. I just kept spreading it out until it stopped stretching. No big deal but learned something from it and passing it on to you!

I won Plant of the Month of May with White Rhino under this net. The plant looked like this in the end. 50 something colas if I remember right.

The net was made out of PVC pipe and screws 2" apart all the way around. I then took nylon string and wrapped it back and forth to create the squares. I think the whole thing costed me $10. I also hung it from my tent with bungee cords that way it was easy to adjust. You can make it with legs on it but I have adjustable bungee cords and they made it very easy to get the right height.
Yeah I have noticed many calling their support net a scrog. If they stretch a lot I could see using a second tier. That's why I keep reminding you to flip when the screen is about 75% full so you can tuck through the stretch, swagg. Because that's what really makes it a true scrog and less of a support system. But my fingers are crossed that you'll have such huge colas you'll need the support from a second screen .

Thanks for sharing asesino ! I think you just successfully convinced me to go scrog over a manifold (ML).
Yeah I have noticed many calling their support net a scrog. If they stretch a lot I could see using a second tier. That's why I keep reminding you to flip when the screen is about 75% full so you can tuck through the stretch, swagg. Because that's what really makes it a true scrog and less of a support system. But my fingers are crossed that you'll have such huge colas you'll need the support from a second screen ��.

Thanks for sharing asesino ! I think you just successfully convinced me to go scrog over a manifold (ML).

It's very nice if you need to keep things shorter in your tent as well. So many people have plants that grow into their lights and get all burnt and have issues. Hard to do in a scrog.

I do something called quadlining. It's like a hybrid of mainlining and 4-way LST. It's actually not a real thing, something I made up but it allows my plant to stay shorter and wider. Lots of colas are exposed to light. Same concepts as scrogging. I actually have another grow buddy who calls it the "screenless scrog" method. I'm experimenting right now and letting them be a little taller with fewer colas this time but my Purple Kush got pretty tall. May have to get the net back out at some point.
Well what I made as some of you have seen ain't pretty but I think it will suffice for one tier.

I originally had string then got bored and thought of making it with wire and ended up making it ugly like this. I'll have to get a few little parts for a second tier after I figure out what exactly I have and what I need. Last 2 weeks of school so I'm trying to hit the books. 8 weeks goes by pretty quick.

Power went out today so I'm not sure how much their light was cut short, If at all. Funny cuz we were talking about timers and the power going out and I said we don't usually have that problem. Well.... It happened.

Need to get my temp and rh plans in place in the next couple weeks too. And this venting. F#!@£K

Pic updates shortly.
Oh and I have to apologize ahead of time to anyone who's harvesting around the same time as me. I do plan on winning some shit. Plant or bud of the month. Or both or all. But I plan on winning something. So I'd try to not line up ur grow with mine. I Would hate for my 420 amigos to lose to me just kidding.....kinda. I just wanna win. It's an addiction and I can't help it.
Well I ran a scrog but it was only one layer. I'm not sure if GGG was referring to a double net but to me a scrog is when you have a tight net and use it to train the plant across it and then flip to flower. Once you flip to flower you keep training the plant for about 10 days and filling in more squares. The next 7 days you let stretch and grow vertical. Anything under the net I pretty much got rid of and all that was left was colas above the net. They weren't tall enough to need the 2nd net but the easiest way I think is to build one solid scrog net and then you can use a trellis for support if you need to.

Nice and tight so when the plants are the height of the net you can start bending them under the strings and onto the next square. Not saying my net is perfect but way better than just trellis netting with 6" squares that are saggy and won't keep the plants in place.

I could have vegged for longer to fill the whole net but I was impatient. This is at the end of stretch and this is how full the net should have been when it started stretching if I wanted to fill the whole thing.

Towards the end. Would have liked it to be a little more vertical but this was my first time and I didn't have the knowledge of waiting 10 days into flower and then letting them go for a week. I just kept spreading it out until it stopped stretching. No big deal but learned something from it and passing it on to you!

I won Plant of the Month of May with White Rhino under this net. The plant looked like this in the end. 50 something colas if I remember right.

The net was made out of PVC pipe and screws 2" apart all the way around. I then took nylon string and wrapped it back and forth to create the squares. I think the whole thing costed me $10. I also hung it from my tent with bungee cords that way it was easy to adjust. You can make it with legs on it but I have adjustable bungee cords and they made it very easy to get the right height.
That's the sexiest thing I've ever seen, well done Aesesino
Oh and I have to apologize ahead of time to anyone who's harvesting around the same time as me. I do plan on winning some shit. Plant or bud of the month. Or both or all. But I plan on winning something. So I'd try to not line up ur grow with mine. I Would hate for my 420 amigos to lose to me just kidding.....kinda. I just wanna win. It's an addiction and I can't help it.
Lol thanks for the warning ;P I'll try to veg out a little longer .
Lol thanks for the warning ;P I'll try to veg out a little longer .
Lmao. Just messing with u guys. As much as I'd love to win everything it would be equally exciting to know that one you wonderful folks I've come to know a bit won.

Lights on.
Just fed and re adjusted the ties on these girls. The bushing better hurry up cuz I'm noticing the top wants to keep growing now.
ponytailing then both for a few hours. Then I'll give them a good feed in the morning to hold them off as I'll be busy travelling tomorrow. Pretty exciting actually attending an event my fellow compadre told me about. Should be fun. Medicate and hopefully come back home with a bunch of goodies. We'll see how it goes.
Lmao. Just messing with u guys. As much as I'd love to win everything it would be equally exciting to know that one you wonderful folks I've come to know a bit won.

Lights on.
Just fed and re adjusted the ties on these girls. The bushing better hurry up cuz I'm noticing the top wants to keep growing now.
ponytailing then both for a few hours. Then I'll give them a good feed in the morning to hold them off as I'll be busy travelling tomorrow. Pretty exciting actually attending an event my fellow compadre told me about. Should be fun. Medicate and hopefully come back home with a bunch of goodies. We'll see how it goes.
Nice man I love the way your treating those ladies, look forward to seeing how tying their hair back works for you!
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