Critical Kush - First Time Grow - Coco Coir

Yeah base board heaters are harder to deal with but you could take the front off and segregate with a box a portion of it cutting out for slipping over the fins. Won't be pretty though. Lol
I'll buy a cheap little used heater before I try that lol.

I forgot about run off ppm update fellas

pearl is at 394 run off
Wanda is a 494. Weird exactly 100 difference.

Consider this issue resolved. We'll done fellas. Give yourselves a pat on the back for this one.
I'll buy a cheap little used heater before I try that lol.

I forgot about run off ppm update fellas

pearl is at 394 run off
Wanda is a 494. Weird exactly 100 difference.

Consider this issue resolved. We'll done fellas. Give yourselves a pat on the back for this one.
You did all the work bro! Plants look great! I feel like I say that every time but it's only cause I'm not there to stare at them all day XD

I've got high hopes for your girls!

Ain't there a sears by you going out of business swagg. They got some cheap heaters on now. Now DONT FEED RUN OFF.
There's one right up the road at the mall. Are they going outta business too now? All these big stores all going outta business. Eatons. The bay. Sears. They all had a good run I guess.
Nothing dies in Alaska we have a blockbuster

Glad to hear everything is back on track swagg
I remember when you could rent video game consoles from blockbuster video. I used to rent Super Nintendo and street fighter 2
I remember when you could rent video game consoles from blockbuster video. I used to rent Super Nintendo and street fighter 2
Those were some good times I'll admit. Anytime my cousins came from outta town I'd make sure to take my uncle there to rent us a console and a couple games. My dad used to own a movie and game rental store before then so id have whatever I wanted at home but when he shut it down it was back to renting like normal ppl lol.
The ladies are still showing no signs of slowing down. Bushing still continuing on the bottoms of both. The top is slowly starting to grow aswell where the original fim happened ages ago, so it seems. Daily training is still a must. A skipped yesterday and a few branches are trying to head north on me. Waiting for a few of the newer branches to reach out to the edges before we start northbound. Dropped the light a couple inches the other day too. They didn't mind at all. Ppms are in check and I will continue to monitor at least once a week from here on out. Probably just to ppm and ph weekly I'm thinking. Not much else happening. Oh the smell my wife's been complaining about. Ooooowweeeeeee. Yea I notice it now. And when I tie them down and touch them all up, I love smelling my hands after. It's such a nice smell. Definitely a weedish smell that's for sure. Roots are filing up the pot nicely also. Took a peak when I pulled back the side of the pot.

Damn, looking really good Swagg! I see what you mean by bushy, they're filling out nicely.

Good job!
Thx. Appreciate the motivation. Just trying to keep the girls alive by Listening and learning. I'm very pleased to say the least. Zero experience and things couldn't be going any better as far as I'm concerned....well more plants would be better but hey we all gotta start somewhere
Mm beautiful ladies,I see they can't resist your Swag,

Well done :thumb:

If mine look anything like yours I will be f^$&@&$$ stoked
Nice crafting there swagg! The term lollipopping does refer to a type of flower defoliation. But I think they're saying, for instance, if your bottom nodes are slow growing and not likely to produce good nugs or reach the canopy to cut them sooner than later. Since your girls are so stout now I personally wouldn't defol because I have faith in your lowest branches. And leaves are your energy converters like a dam. More turbines more production of power. That may be a horrible analogy but that's how I understand it haha. Obviously it's a little different in flower if a huge fan leaf is blocking a potential flower site. And I could be wrong but that's how I interpreted my research lol.

It's def a nice break from the solar panel analogy!
I sure hope so. Scrog net is complete. Debating on making a second tier to it.

So back to my ghetto rigging out the window. That shit has got to go. Was only around freezing temp overnight and it's noticeably cold in here. And if I notice it, my wife notices it x1000. Any idea what I can do. I don't know if just leaving the fan on a higher setting but still exhausting in the room will be enough or not. Or if I can seal that window somehow better but I doubt it

I'd really like to see you tackle a true scrog. A lot of people build scrog nets and don't even use them for anything more than for stability. That's where the second tier can come in handy if you allow them to fill the screen completely before you flip them. Play around with it brother and if you wind up needing a second tier you can always make one!
I'd really like to see you tackle a true scrog. A lot of people build scrog nets and don't even use them for anything more than for stability. That's where the second tier can come in handy if you allow them to fill the screen completely before you flip them. Play around with it brother and if you wind up needing a second tier you can always make one!
U beat me to it GGG. Glad you popped in again. One of my buddies recommended I make a second tier so I'm glad you brought it up. I've been thinking about it but just haven't got around to it yet. And I hope this opens up some discussion about it and help me decide how much more or less beneficial it would be for me. The materials are cheap so I'm not pressed for funds to make an extra tier but would like to see what others input is. Obviously this is my first grow and all I wanna do is learn and at the same time maximize the plants potential.
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