Critical 2+ - Any idea?


Active Member

Hey guys , my girls are critical 2 + basicially sativa

Today is 4th day , they are look tall to me , or just i am paroniac :) is that normal or what ?

I have been using MH , firstly 250 watt , 120 cm far from plants but i have changed today 400 watt and 60 cm far from plants.

Any suggestions about process ?
I grow sativas, too. You need to get your light closer to the seedlings to stop them from stretching. Get yourself a 23 watt CFL, Daylight bulb and put it a couple inches from the leaves. You can use the high-powered lights later, when they have some leaves and can handle the intensity and heat.

Those stretched stems are not going to be able to support the new leaves.

To fix what you have, you can do 3 things that worked for me.

1) Lay the seedling down on the soil and bury most of the stem.
2) Put a CFL right down on the seedling. 2" away should be about right.
3) Direct a small fan onto your seedlings to strengthen their stems.

Right now your babies are wasting their energy reaching for the light. Once you bury the stem and get the light where it belongs, you'll see leaves emerge rather quickly. Of course, "quickly" is relative when it comes to Sativas. They are notoriously slow growing compared with Indicas. You have to be patient with them.
I grow sativas, too. You need to get your light closer to the seedlings to stop them from stretching. Get yourself a 23 watt CFL, Daylight bulb and put it a couple inches from the leaves. You can use the high-powered lights later, when they have some leaves and can handle the intensity and heat.

Those stretched stems are not going to be able to support the new leaves.

To fix what you have, you can do 3 things that worked for me.

1) Lay the seedling down on the soil and bury most of the stem.
2) Put a CFL right down on the seedling. 2" away should be about right.
3) Direct a small fan onto your seedlings to strengthen their stems.

Right now your babies are wasting their energy reaching for the light. Once you bury the stem and get the light where it belongs, you'll see leaves emerge rather quickly. Of course, "quickly" is relative when it comes to Sativas. They are notoriously slow growing compared with Indicas. You have to be patient with them.

Thanks dude i will consider about them

What do you thing about lenght ? One of them almost 3 inc already .
Thanks dude i will consider about them

What do you thing about length ? One of them almost 3 inc already .

Too tall. Your seedlings should not stretch like that. That is why I posted a remedy to save them from falling over. It's very important to get them off to a good start. The goal is to keep the stems short and sturdy until they start growing their true leaves, and can support themselves.
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