Crazy Grow - Keeps on Going & Going


New Member
Sup guys and gals. This is my second grow, unfortunately im starting this grow journal kind of mid process but i will upload all photos from the beginning as well. unknown strain just asked my friend to hook me up with a few seeds until my auto northern lights came in. I started this grow mid october i do believe and its astounded me to be honest. Sooo lets start off with the basics first ...
medium-peat moss and perlite
lights- variety of cfl spectrums. (7 total)
nutes- none (explain later)
So after germination of this seed i plant into the peat moss/perlite medium. When it sprouted, I noticed that the main stem split (kind of like a natural topping) This was the first time i ever seen anything like this or heard of it.


Then the roots started coming out the container so i transplanted it

ok at this point i decided to do an LST as well as top both shoots.


At this point i start beginning to wonder to myself. "how in the hell is all this being nute burned and i havent used nutes?" well come to find out my damn peat moss and perlite bags had those stupid nute balls in em and i honestly had no idea, (what i get for just grabbing and not reading) So i decided to do something i wasnt sure would even work and honestly in my opinion i thought it would die. i took the plant out of the soil it was in and rinsed all that soil of the root ball as much as i could. I then replanted it in 100% peat moss with no nutebals or anything like that and at first i honestly thought it was a gonner, but to my surprise new growth is coming in and its looking better everyday. i will keep updating as it goes.

Here is how its looking as of today
Re: crazy grow...keeps on goin and goin

weird little plant(in a good way)

never a problem rinsing dirt,as long as you dont manhandle the roots they will survive

I transplant all of my dirt seedling into a hydro system.

auto advice? they dont like to be transplanted,start them in there final home.---do not take cuttings,or stress them with the short life span,they seem to like not being disturbed 18-6 for lights
Re: crazy grow...keeps on goin and goin

thanks for your reply, sounds good.yea it is a crazy plant. i didnt even know they could grow split like that. i hate that i started it off with a bag of perlite that had nute balls added. i think as of now after replanting it, its doin much better. i know whats already burned will remain burned but new green growth is coming up taking its place so it is starting to look better. as much stress as ive put this one through i wasnt sure if it would survive at all. i planted one of the autos yesterday; i didnt germinate the seed just put it in the dirt and watered it and put it under the lights. i have a friend growing autos as well and it worked for him, ive always germinated so i hope it works. Im not to sure what to do with these flower spots that look burned except wait it out and hope it grows out or something, here are some pics of it today as well as some of underneath the canopy.

Re: crazy grow...keeps on goin and goin

to ME, that's not burn, that's a deficiency with the yellowing. I would give it SOME nutes. stay away from Miracle Grow or any time-release formula... go with a reputable instant nute and feed it somewhere around 1/4 to 1/2 strength every other watering and see if it picks up any.

Good luck
Thanks for sharing your grow with us.

We are sorry for your loss.

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