Couple Wants Canada to Pay for Marijuana

Jacob Bell

New Member
AMHERST, Nova Scotia, (UPI) -- A Nova Scotia couple filed a lawsuit against the maritime province, saying it should pay their costs for growing medical marijuana because they're too poor.

The husband and wife have disabilities, are on income assistance and both have licenses from Health Canada to grow marijuana for their own use and are allowed to keep a total of 25 plants, the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. reported Friday.

"We're out of medication quite often," the husband, Sam, told the CBC. "We can't keep up on the amount that we need to grow."

Sam said he didn't want his last name revealed out of fears his marijuana operation would be targeted by thieves.

The man and his wife, Tanya, both in their 40s, say they want the Nova Scotia Supreme Court to force the province to cover a one-time setup fee of $2,500 and provide $100 every three months for chemicals and supplies.

Sam said he was told by a lawyer for the Department of Community Services the department has already spent $200,000 fighting their request.

"That just goes to show you that there's something wrong with the system when they're willing to spend that amount of money to stop two disabled people from getting their medication," he said. "It's pathetic and sickening."

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Website: Couple wants Canada to pay for marijuana
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