Cost of....


New Member
Not sure if this is the proper area for such a question,but lets go. I have two 300W led lights. What is the average monthly cost to run them 18/6??? Please folks need a little fore knowledge. Thanks folks.
It varies depending on location, in my area the highest rate(daytime) is 27.27 cents per kwh.

Assuming 300w is the actual draw your pulling 0.6kwh.

So for me personally, it'd be (27.27 * 0.6) * 18 * 28.
Roughly 16 cents per hour, 18 hours per day, 28 days per month.
.16 * 18 = $2.88 per day
2.88 * 28 = $80.64 per month.

EDIT: It seems excessive, but here a bag is roughly $270, we go through 2 bags per month. $80 power vs $540 for only 2 ounces.
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