Cool tube question


New Member
Hi, I've had a few heat problems, so have bought a centrifugal in-line fan. I'm considering mounting it directly between 2 cool tubes, it's either that or I'll have to run loads of duct and put the fan in a different location, where the run of duct would be going around many corners etc.

My slight worries are...

Even though tubes and fan will be supported from chains, which in turn will be hooked onto rubber ropes. Will the vibration of the fan motor loosen the bulbs? I don't think it will as they're in tight, but it is a slight worry. I have some wide rubber gaskets that will connect the fan to each tube, so vibration will be reduced, slightly.

My main question is (if the above isn't of great concern), which way around should I position the cool tubes? As I have it set in the diagram below, I get a slightly better light distribution, but would it be best to turn the cool tubes around so the bulbs are further away from the fan? If that is the case, and my instinct tells me it is, why? Will it put a serious strain on the fan. It's already drawing through a filter, so I keep thinking it won't make any, or much difference, but my gut instinct keeps telling me to turn them around and sacrifice a bit of light distribution.


I've just thought that most people will be thinking to just try it and see.

The thing is, it's going to takes ages to get the fan and tubes connected, and just as long (if not longer) to take apart.

Another reason why I have sort of decided the way to do it would be as in the diagram, as I would be able to whip the ducting off very easily to change bulbs every now and again, and clean the inside of the tubes.

I can't do much else until someone gives some advice, and my babies are desperate to stretch their legs.


I'll wait another couple of hours, and if nobody has strongly advised to turn the tubes around, I'll go ahead and do it.

...just try it and see! :blalol:

I don't think it will cause a problem at all, you'd better off sticking a few inches of ducting between them if you really are worried though.
Bertie...take a look at my 2 grow journal photo's, should give you a good idea how to set up...
Hi guys, I can't add anymore ducting, due to space. The edge of each side of the diagram is literally the edge of my grow space. Due to height, I also need to use cool tubes. So I'm stuck with this sort of situation.

I have mounted the fan in place, and checked where it vents for sound, and I'm pleased to say it's more or less silent. It's also pulling a ton of air out, so another plus.

Vibration is minimal, and have purchased some thick sound proofing foam to dampen the slight noise of the fan motors. The biggest noise is the whooshing air as it hits the first 90 degree elbow coming off the cool tubes, yet 2M later it's almost silent. I cant fit insulated duct in there either (space).

Now waiting for sealant to dry (had to make another vent hole), then will test for temps. If I can keep it in the mid eighties or less I'll be happy. With the air change thats going on, I expect it to be around there, fingers crossed.

I've started a journal, so hopefully I can get the show back on the road after I've potted on.

It's a height thing as well as width.

It's all done now. It dropped to 89, but then I decided to run the AC at 78 in the room where the air is being drawn from, and it dropped the flower chamber to 84 - 85. Thats good enough for me, as the air exchange is pretty intense.

They look happy enough anyway.
It's a height thing as well as width.

It's all done now. It dropped to 89, but then I decided to run the AC at 78 in the room where the air is being drawn from, and it dropped the flower chamber to 84 - 85. Thats good enough for me, as the air exchange is pretty intense.

They look happy enough anyway.

84-85 is about the max you want it in your grow area. Also as the plants build leaves and foliage, I've noticed that the leaves seem to store and radiate heat and the tent actually gets a little warmer as it fills up with leaves... may want to work on bringing it down a little more..maybe more airflow in?

Also curious, why is your carbon scrubber verticle? wouldn't it make more sense to lay it horizontal? May actually do a better job that way at removing the hot air at the top of the grow area?

If you post some photo's it may help us help you better.. :)
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