Cool story


New Member
this is chapter one:good morning
the boy opens his eyes.he stairs threw the lava lamp,the yellow gew drifting from top to bottom,to the windo across from him as he lays in his warm fluffy bed.snow fell slowly to the ground,glistening in the moon light.he yawns and looks at his clock, 3:10.he then reaches behind the colck grabing a sandwhich bag full of hair covered buds.the bag labled for a rainy day.he reachs under his bed and pulls out a blueberry blunt.he cracks the blunt and perpairs it then lays it near the only light sorce in the room, the greenish lava lamp on the night stand next to his bed."its not rain..." he says in the dimly lighted room grabing a palm full off the nuggets"... but snow will have to do"he lays the buds on the blunt rap,now a hill of red shake is the only thing he can see in the light.he rowls the fatty up places it in his mouth and yawns a second time as he lights the blunt.a silents flows threw the room as the tip of the blunt glow red.*cough cough* hmmm good shyt. he sits up in his bed and flicks the tv theshow "I LOVE LUCY" fades into picture he reachs under his bed once more this time bringing out a carten of chocolate dounuts and a blue thurmas and lays them beside him.he hums to him self as he leans forward and opens the droar in the night stand.i blue glass bong lays there acompanied by a bottle of moutain water.he takes the supplies and lays them beside him next to the thurmas.he finishs the blunt in a hurry and places the roach behind his alarm clock now reading 3:35.he picks the bong up gently along with the bottle of water."i love being high" he proclaims as he pours just the right amount of water into the glass bong."finaly"he picks the bag off his lap and pack the hitter peice fat as shyt.he smiles as the man lights his bowl.the bubbleing sound travles threw the empty house. as he walks to the bathroom hitting it.he stands infront of the tolet and leans over to look into the mirror.the bong now milky and yellow made his smile that much bigger.he sets it down and places his hand over the tube as he finally takes the first piss of the day.oh yes.after words he releases his hand and hits it.he holds in it then coughs.he smiles into the mirror as the words "im so stoned" is muttered as he leaves the bathroom. he lays back into his bed.he sets the bong down,and stashes the weed away.he grabs a donut and takes a sip outa the co co.sometime in the middle of his meal he drifts off into a peaceful slumbur.he awaks to a info-murshal(sp) he looks at his alarm clock. 4:19. oh how luck he says as he leans to the oppsite side of the bed parralel to the bong and opens the droor.he pulls out a sandwich bag completely filled with joints.he takes one out."why not?"he says as he reaches back into the bag pulling out a handful. he lights one as the clock turns to 4:20. he carefully puts the rest of the joints into his pockets as he gets up to have a early break fast
ty for the story nh, very rexlaxing story.. thanks. also enjoyed the detail, I could almost taste that blueberry blunt. write chapter II if u geta chance!
gj man, a 2nd chapter would be tight
chapter 2:the dealer
it was a eerie glow shineying inthrew the living room windows that made him just wanna have a joint.he stops quickly to have a joint.he opens the bag o' joints and finds a few fat joints he takes one and hums silently as he walks to the kitchen.the man open the frige and is greeted to a ice cold 40, and a cooled bong.he sets both on the table and makes ceral for him to eat.the man takes a swig of the beer the remember he had left his weed upstairs.he looked down at his joint and laughted.he ramed the joint in the hitter peice so it stuck out about 2 inchs.he fills the bong of ice and frech water.he lights the joint and takes a long health felt as if eternaty as he waited for the cool thc smoke to hits his lungs.he was a quarter threw the joint and he wondered if he had got smoke so he takes the hitter peice out and sucks down the bowl.he keeps it in then breaths out.a huge cloud of smoke floats above the table.then drifts off slowly."mmmmmm a smooth hit".he takes a spoon full of soggy seral and shuvels it into his mouth,then washed down by a good chuging of his 40.he stairs into space then as if he just remember jumps to the bong.he lights it again and hits it.while the smoke was in his lungs he sips his beer.he turns his head and looks threw the window of his cabin.the snow was growing larger."damn this is gonna be a long day i can see..."the man says to himself"better get a little boost!"he pulls out a dime bag with white powder thats labled PCP/CRAK.he takes the joint out of the bowl,licks it,then coats it,then places it back into the bowl."finaly a trip"he said as he hits the bong once more.a huge hit.admired by gods of 420 he would say.he holds the hit in then feels a strange tingling feeling in the back of his head.he breaths the hit out yet the feeling remands."shhhyt" he says as it feels his ghost if leaving his body.he dosnt know how to deal with this so he falls back off the chair slaming into the that time his head poped from his body and craws away yet a siple lift of the head stops the excape."damn what just happen"he jumps to his feet normal now,just himself.yet something if differrnt.he heres the sound of children laughing.he looks over to the kitchen counter and sees him as a child years ago first smoking with his freinds.BANG! back to reality like sucked out of a deep night sleep.fuck what have i done.from this point on his head is blank.every thing is a blur and dream like.he comes to standing in his bedroom closet butt ass naked crying."WTF? where am I?"he steps out the closet and looks around.its normal.he runs down stairs and sees thats he had finished the bowl and convulsed onto the floor for a good amount of time.a blood puddle lade there!"damn ill clean up later but first"he opens another cabnet filled with bottles filled with joints all different colors and labled differntly with there own delicus(sp) flavors.he reachs into the jar labled "BANANA"the then put the yellow joint in his mouth and walked off to the geust room."oww what happen"he feels his head now coated in blood."heh what ever.he sits on the bed and lights the joints.the musty air swirled as he picks up his "WEED JORNAL".April 3,1993,two months ago."john go-to shyt ever had!"was the information then wrote down."damn" he says as he reachs for the phone.he types in the number and hits the joint as he waits"ow my fuckn head...PCP is crazy"he says to himself as someone picks up the phone."Hello."."ummm wats up this is steve you sold to me before"."sshhh the becon has fresh ears well meat.were when?""do you know were....1303 lake wood drive is?""yeah right down the street ill be there in ten".as steve waits he finishs his joint
ima post next chapter at 11 just to keep my fans happy
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